The current state of the game is inexcusable

Yeah…agree too…now is a lot better cross check with open beta versione. The biggest problem woould stay player base. In 2019 incomeing ranked quests…wich a little make out play a little better. And if they implent this mine suggestiones like this:

Bring back old like 2015 y. pop up middle sreen text for quad ,anihilatione sound ,text effect .Feel was awesome. Replay some old youtube movies.Not like this current versione. Do you remember it and feel?! :slight_smile:
And i did suggested more ideas(during this period of time).
Like if ine player die over 10 times for limit 10 times ,no matter how many games to be banned for 1 week from ranked ,witch this way they forced to play only Unranked. And.more wich they never will implent.
Incomeing Ranked quests…anf.more durring 2019. Lets pray they add more better ideas.