Zounds, I say! Zounds!
lol! I thought you might be pleased to see the brood mother had been put on time out.
typical blizzard after all these years still dont know how to fine tune its either making things to powerfull or completely nerf it to useless and i mean with all there games, yes banelings were a little to strong but why the base stats
Yo, IDK if you ppl complaining about the delay of acting saw the news of Blizz falling apart, and HoTs team is little enough to be affected by the state of the company.
You should be thankfull that the only F2P game Blizz still has a look on it even with the situation of the company as it is.
Can they also nerf her 16 talents?
In June you disabled Stukov and now you disabled Zagara. Great game designer, every “balance” patch is a mess. Overbuffing and reworking heroes without a reasonable reason. Well done. No wonder why the game is in this situation.
Stukov needed a nerf but the disable was because of an bug
now if you could fix the real problems that have been plaguing this game for years
@Brett Crawford
Honest question, not trying to incite anything.
Is there a reason for the delay on the decision to either remove her from play or tone her down?
It was fairly clear to the community at large she was a large issue.
I’m curious about the process that led you to make this decision, and why it seemingly took so long.
Thank you if you respond.
Doesn’t look very promising. Given that prior to the recent buff Zag wasn’t too different. Maybe the lvl 7 talent was a bit too much but IMO cutting the mana cost of Q in half was totally the right call. If the patch goes live, Q build is probably going to be worse than ever and Corrosive Saliva that is single handedly keeping Zag somewhat viable on its own remains unaddressed.
Given my recent post / mentions of Zagara, I owe a thank you. In most everyone’s name I guess.
My main issue with her is how she presses W and E, E even hitting, but those things still follow you around.
Nazeebo comparison: Q should spawn the 3-5 spiders regardless of hitting (the initial hit doesn’t happen), W should uproot baseline to follow you around. E is comparable to Zagara Q, slow and longer cooldown, but bigger area (thus, often a melee ability).
If I am playing a hero with massive sustain, or free multitarget (Tassadar beam build), I can shake it off, but in a typical 1on1 setting she is just superior.
i still think the most obscene thing about Zag has been in the game for a long time, Corrosive Saliva.
i’d much rather fight a baneling spammer than a Corrosive Saliva zag.
giving percentage dmg to spammable NPCs was a TERRIBLE idea.
Dear developers. Please be aware for the superb range of her first basic ability (Q) as famous streamers like FanHots proved that you can snipe all structures without even been on a sight range of the enemy. While some people like the idea for bigger range. General people found 50% Range increase is a bit too high to play against. Compared to Fishing Hook(Stitches) this ability gives huge advantage to smart players destroying keeps earlier. Most of the players who are platinum or higher are aware that keeps are more important than kills. This is whe I mentioned Fishing Hook(You can be pulled when you’re not expecting and you might die, but the hook can’t destroy keeps when you spam this ability only on the forts)A slight range nerf would be welcomed. As I’m reading the changes so far reduced damage wouldn’t be effective by the fact Zagara is getting additional charges to her “Baneling Barrage” ability
Because they did’t touch her attack range.
I don’t think anyone would want that as a lvl 20. It’s kind of late for range on Q. I personally would never pick it.
Wait. I though the range comes from her Level one talent. Did they moved?
If u think zag was currently healthy for the game and these nerfs will “drag her into the ground,” then thank god u aren’t in charge of balance.
Also, devs, if u want her to be healthy for the game, then she can’t be able to nuke towers from an extremely safe distance because of her Q for the same reason that u reworked sylvanas a number of years back, and especially since Zag has access to Nydus.
Teams shouldn’t have to spend an entire match playing hide and seek with someone who can solo push towers without the need of minions.
That’s kinda the only thing she has going for her though. I suspect with all the Q nerfs she’ll go back to the state she was in, maybe even worst. Corrosive saliva is her only saving grace as a damage dealer and even then it’s inconsistent.
Basically she’s a sucky hero with 1 good talent
Yea, the bigger an organization, the slower/harder to make things reach the live state.
After plying my poor math skills to her pre-buff and prospective post-nerf states, it seems that her Q build is actually weaker post-nerf than it was pre-buff in terms of damage output. This mostly stems from how much the 2 second cd increase from Baneling Massacre taxes her Q as opposed to its previous 0.5 reduction. Pre-buff, it took Zagara 15 seconds to passively recharge all 6 banelings. Post-nerf, it will take her 18 seconds to recharge 6 of her 8 banelings. And this longer cd also is accompanied by less damage from the base damage nerf and the 20% nerf on Volatile Acid.
Oddly enough, her pre-buff E build seems to be walking away from all of this with a net buff. Her Q’s base cd and mana cost are lower than pre-buff even after the nerf, roachlings got a small base damage increase, and she got a strong 20 talent that replaced something left over from the alpha. In other words, the final result of these two changes is that the lesser played Q build got a nerf while the more prominent E build got a buff, aside from the health and basic attack nerfs. Quite bizarre, in my opinion.
Her base attack range was raised when she got her buffs.