Teach me Malthael


Again, I want to thank you guys for your input. It really helped me better understand Malthael and be more efficient with him. Here’s what I’ve noticed so far.

  1. I’ve gotten less deaths with him. I was getting around 8-14 deaths with him before and now I’ve had games with 0 deaths and only as high as around 8. I think that’s improvement dont ya think? :smile:

  2. I’ve done more damage. I went from doing about 8k-15k hero damage to putting in from as low as 25k-60k hero damage. That’s a major improvement in my opinion.

  3. I’ve been able to complete both the Black Harvest quest and the Last Rites quest (after the total needed to complete becomes 5. I haven’t been able to complete it before level 20). and that’s severely helping me survive longer and get more kills.

  4. Kills have slightly gotten higher. I averaged around 1-2 kills/game to about 4-8 if I play well.

  5. Current winrate: 45%
    K/D: 2.68

The build I used to get more hero damage is this one:

No surprise honestly. Orangejuice was on point about the quest completion and damage stats.

The one I’ve gotten less deaths with is Darak’s build

I chose the upgrade to Last Rites at 20.

These posts helped me understand how to engage and fight better, both 1v1 and team fights. Thanks to everyone who had input. I hope this helps those who also want to learn Malthael. These guides are a great place to start and I’m seeing it in my matches. :+1:


Great, Why dont you try this=
to tell u, im lvl2 malthael (bcoz i played him once in brawl coz he seemed to b the only option to chose)
But, i want to buy him as soon as i hav enough gold and try him out.

If you already tried out 2 builds from these pro, I would b grateful if u try out this and drop some feedback, I went through all the talents and i personally think this one will suit me better (in bronze) where i have to lane as well as team fight, and i find this as a balanced build

1 = Fear the Reaper (escape after initiation = OrangeJuice strategy)
2 =Black Harvest (Longer marks)
7 = Massacre (more reaper marks)
10 = Torment Souls
13 = Shroud wisdom (armour)
16 = Mortality
20 = No one can Stop death

But keep in mind this = (you might need to change ur strategy a bit for this)

this way i can target a single person in team fight well and it will help me a lot to bully a solo laner, as W drops 8% health each time.

If you in for some wild test-drives, try this out, n tell me

but, it shud b like this in team fights

E > W > Q > R > W > Q > Pop up fear of reaper n go to safety (if threat) > ur R ends mean W up = W if u think u can kill him, or u may ignore it bcoz it wil make u jump inside again, depends,
thts wht in my mind, but well i hav not tried it at all.

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I can definitely test that out for you and let you know if its successful for me or if its a build I like. Just give me a couple days to really compare to how the other builds work for me. Just know that I’m only gonna play him in QM so bad compositions might mess with my numbers a bit.

I do think you should also try it and see how it works for yourself. You might be better at Malthael than me so if I end up doing poorly, don’t discourage yourself from using your build. You might do better than me. :grin:

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Why would you go the longer marks quest and take the heroic that keeps your marks up for the longest possible duration and then not go memento mori? This makes very little sense to me.

Mortality pairs best with Last rites as it allows you to chunk someone just below the 33% threshold right before the heroic pops but it should never be taken with tormented souls. I understand that having W resets sounds cool on paper for burst damage but tormented souls is your sustained damage build and your W resets are for your safety so you can escape, not to deal more damage. Trust me, you’ll already be doing more than another damage with this build.

Malthael is all about picking the right fights and moments. A big mistake is to constantly suicide dive with him, especially if the enemy team has healing reduction or a lot of CC.

If it is never safe to dive, then that is when poke comes into play. It is not a recommended build but more one to make the most of an impossible situation. For example in Single Lane if one chooses Malthael and unless you have a good support/front line comp then you have no choice but to go poke and rely on zoning and percentage damage.

His poke build is his dive build. Massacre has an ENORMOUS radius. It’s almost the size of soulrip itself. Marking one person and then teleporting to them will EASILY mark everyone on their team, at which point you escape with fear the reaper.

Another thing to note about Massacre, OP, is that people will avoid melee contact with you and never allow you to mark them. My easy work around for this is I will mark a minion (or objective like shrine guardians or temple guardians), back off, and once they move forward, dash forward and teleport to the NPC. This will mark them and possible their whole team when they don’t expect it.

Massacre turns NPCs into dangerous land mines which is why I love it so much.

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His poke build is.
1: Death’s Reach
4: Throwing Shade
7: Cold Hand
10: Last Rites
13: Any (depends on enemy damage)
16: Memento Mori
20: Final Curtain

The idea is to constantly zone the enemy with Death Shroud. Touching any enemy with it is 7% of their life gone. At level 20 this is potentially increased to 12.6% of their life every 4 seconds if they do not respect the zoning. Opportunistically use Death’s Reach to engage when the enemy is weak or vulnerable and with Cold Hand some comps will have problems disengaging him giving secure kills.

Final Curtain has huge zoning potential since if the enemy stays with in it for 1 second they start to take Memento Mori ticks. Thanks to the range of Death’s Reach you can choose an opportune time to dive in and keep those marks going.

Since diving is opportunistic only with this build it is a very safe build. The issue is that while operating as poke it forgoes most of Malthael’s Soul Rip and auto attack damage which is 60% or so of his damage potential during that time. For that reason I would not recommend it as a staple/first choice build. This build is mostly for situations where any sort of diving would be suicide, such as in ARAM single lane against CC heavy comps with poor engage/support. It is a build for an impossible situation, the sort that in TL one would never pick Malthael in. This is along the same lines as Ragnaros’s meteor build.


I tried this build out
it’s very fun but the team I was against were pretty derpy so I couldn’t tell if it was the build or them being dumb xD

Edit: Been crushing it with this build I don’t want to jinx it but I had to say it ^.^

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ya, i notice he is on rotation, played 2 3 games haha, hes fun,
but all tht on paper i said, its hard to pull off lol, bcoz mana issues, and also bcoz everyone jumps on u, hitting W on the same target doesnt seem viable in team fight, have to move around much.

i tried the TS “my build version” but then shifted to last rites, all the rest was same, also bcoz i didnt know u run out of mana much faster if u spam q n w a lot

I do, as i tested it already, on paper it looked really gud, like i said with tht long calculation stuff i did com up with after spending half hr on the talent build on icy vein and then settling for this my version (which is my old version now), i shifted to LR , but still didnt take memento mori yet, it increases 80% damage more after the marks have stayed for 4 seconds, for tht to do really gud damage, TS would b better, to pop up TS after going in with W, but as i take tht awesome talent of putting marks around my W cast, TS seems meaningless to me, coz my marks r up real fast bcoz of tht W talent.

I will go memento mori next game n see, :slight_smile:

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Thats precisely why memento mori is so valuable.

Marks = 6 second duration
Wraith strike = 5 second cooldown

you can keep reapers mark applied to the entire enemy team indefinitely with just W and nothing else. No need for AA’s or shroud. Just tele in and run out while the damage charts go wild.

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I tried out this build and I noticed that with the Tormented Souls ult and the Mortality talent, I wasn’t casting W as often as I thought I would. I’d love to just do it to a hero over and over but I didn’t want to overextend. I was able to use it about 3-5 times during a team fight even with the reset from the ult. So if you want to choose that talent and ult together because of the reset, don’t. Instead, go with Last Rites so you can finish the enemies you wear down.

The damage is nice though, especially against tanks. The more you use W on enemy tanks with the 8% damage along with all of your other damage, the more it shreds away health. I just don’t see how Tormented Souls and Mortality make a huge difference. Yes, Tormented Souls keeps enemies marked and resets your CD for W, but with Black Harvest completed, you are going to keep the enemies marked longer anyway which allows you to keep using W. Either way, W is only on a 5 second CD so if you’re in the fight long enough, you’ll use it pretty often. The reset doesn’t really make a huge difference in my opinion.

Another issue I found is that you need to constantly keep people marked to continuously use W. And if you aren’t able to dive in, Mortality is now useless because if you do dive in at the wrong time, you won’t last long enough to constantly be using your W. That’s wasted value. If you chose Memento Mori, you’ll be doing 80% more damage with your E when you poke after you complete the Black Harvest quest. That’s a safer option I think.

Overall, if you have a team that allows you to dive in a lot, Mortality might be a good option because you can survive longer in battle and use W more often to get that 8% value, but pair it with Last Rites so you can finish off people you wear down. If you don’t have dive, Memento Mori might be a better option so you can get value from a safer location.

I hope this helps you. But honestly…

…She’s right.


I didn’t even think about mana when I was playing or in my explanations above, but mana is also an issue. Once you run out of mana, there goes your sustain and escapes.

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Tormented Souls is your bait and switch heroic. It may not do all that much damage but it sure as hell distracts the enemy heavily. Almost every time I use it, all five of them immediately drop what they are doing and start chasing me only for me to bait them out and teleport back to the frontline and escape.

It’s also fantastic for gaining ground as the ground the enemy gives up to chase you will become your teams ground.


and yes, TS with the W reset looked good on paper, but i myself shifted to last rites.

And ,

:open_mouth: now this is one solid reason why memento mori is a better option for a tough enemy comp. Now u hav completely tilted me for memento mori :slight_smile: thanks

Yup, if there is less stun n not huge burst damage, u would rather go mortality bcoz well, , being in the mid of enemies n healing up from the edge of 0hp while u move their hp lower n lower n kill them one by one, tht very feeling, ony a malthael player can understand :smiley:

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