Tanking 101 - A Short Guide to the Basics of Playing a Main Tank


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Know your place, Medivh main.


I just portal out from the Garrosh throws

But your teammates don’t, and they die.

Very good read Hoku, so many good points well spoken, often i do all these things automaticaly without thinking.
But i see that for someone whos not very familiar at higher levels, this is a near perfect guide.

I like especially the part about the Merc camps, usually you should find your self helping out with the camp/switching to soaking/being aggresive towards the enemy to chase them away or not give out a vision to your camp/playing as a ward.

For me, eventhough it is the role i like the least of them all, it is one of the most important roles ingame.
They basicly controll everything from where things happend, to when and to how.
The bread and the butter to a team.

EDIT; You sir have earned a like!


Good guide. If I were to give advice for those looking to dabble with Tank, learn to play Piano Johanna. She has some of the best wave clear in the entire game, and can play with almost every comp on every map. You can even run her as a second tank if you have a legitimate “carry DPS”.

There is a good video by Notparadox on how to wave clear and rotate with her to maximize potential. It is a good start for new players (albeit some of his points are questionable).

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Thanks again for all the kind words. I could easily spend pages and pages talking about the various aspects of tanking, so I tried to keep it down to the very basics that anyone can apply to their games. I do like NotParadox’s videos on tanking, he has a few of them, and JayPL’s, back in the day. I encourage anyone to give it a try, as it can be more complex than simply standing in front of your team soaking hits.


I don’t like tanking when the healer does not heal me. I don’t like healing because u get blamed for not healing someone.

Nice post! I used to love tanking but at some point it became annoying and awkward for me.
I used to main tank as Artanis all the time and loved it but with his changes I play him better as an offlaner and backline distraction and have no want to play him as a main tank.

Both Tyreal and Diablo were my go to tanks, my bois! Once they changed Ty I lost the drive to play him
and ever since they reworked Diablo his Q and E have been off sync or delayed with my key pressing making me miss vital times I need to charge and or flip. And every so often his charge will push his target away from him, I have yet to see that happen with Blaze not sure why it happens with Dibbles.
Since it only does it sometimes that makes me think it’s not suppose to do it at all. Is this a bug or what?

Mal’Ganis was a fun main tank when he first came out but now he seems to be more of an off tank. (I kinda want to start playing on this guy again just to have someone other than artanis to fall back on)

The only one left for me and only if I’m absolutely forced into it is Muradin
He’s boring af early game and makes me want to stab myself in the neck but he’s pretty fun late game. I wish he early game didn’t make me want to die sheesh!

If I had to learn another tank it would be Blaze and Jojo but maybe after I learn how to Anduin :stuck_out_tongue:

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Good thread, nice guide. I love being in the thick of things, but mostly play bruiser, because they are more self sustaining. Tanking with a competent team is awesome though.

Also, the following screenshot was on my phone for ages and now I finally get a chance to post it. Why people don’t like tanking:


Great guide Hoku,thanks for this.

I would like to list tank MVP awards for those who are interested.
20%-40% Damage Taken - Bulwark
41%-60% Damage Taken - Guardian
61%-100% Damage Taken - Training Dummy

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Wait, I thought one was for damage tanked all game, one for damage tanked in team fights.
I have never seen training dummy.


Well, that does sort of bring up another aspect of tanking, knowing what damage you should and should not take. Soaking a skill shot to prevent it from hitting someone more vulnerable is fine, but soaking skill shots just because you are a tank and it won’t kill you is generally less fine. Taking avoidable, unnecessary damage is waste of healer mana (or your own self-sustain), and will often give the enemy team stacks which will make them far more dangerous to the non-tanks on your team.

The times when it makes sense to soak damage deliberately is when it will prevent the enemy team from interrupting a channel, save a structure, or kill one of your team. There are a few other very fringe cases, but in general, if you can dodge something, you probably should dodge it.

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Great stuff Hoku.

Being a Tank main as well, you’re spot on in pretty much everything you wrote. To bad most of the times you don’t have the right follow up to your plays or a healer that doesn’t help you frontline even more.

When I’m the healer, I ALWAYS try to support my tank as much as possible during the fight, especially if he’s disrupting the enemy team.


Maybe you misunderstood, but this is not about taking / avoiding damage. It’s about people not playing with or following their tank. You mentioned in your op that the tank needs to be clear what he intends to do.
Well, even if you clearly go for the fight and take it, some people are just too passive or hesitant to follow you. Some ranged are pretty weak-hearted and will bail as soon as they take damage because they don’t want to die. Suddenly, you find yourself (the tank) in the center of the enemy team and get crushed.

It gets better in higher ranks when people are more likely to commit to a fight, but there is always the chance that some mates just leave you stranded.


This is true. I notice that A LOT which makes all the hard work go to nothing.

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I was mostly reminded of the issue reading the part about the Chromie skill shot grazing the KT. It wasn’t meant to be an actual response to your post, but using it as a spring board to a related topic. Yes, I have had abandonment issues playing tanks, but typically that happens in QM, not ranked, and in QM, I am more likely to be playing Blaze.

Good luck killing him late game. :stuck_out_tongue:


I really have to thank you for this amzing guide.It is trully wonderful that there ade people like you in the community.I have currently taken a six month break from hots and i am trying to get into it once again.And my favourite roles were always the tanks.So again thanks for this amazing guide.Cheers


This makes me want to switch to EU, just not ready to lose my current heroes.

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Why? just wondering.

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