Sylvanas new W build is amazing

Yeah in quick match a mode I don’t play other than to level up new heroes to 5 hahahaha

Oh man this is getting embarassing for you. Your QM MMR is HIGHER than any other game mode for you… maybe you should try playing only new heroes to level 5 in the other modes…

Just suggesting to OP, you should probably take an image of your in-game profile with your master rank instead of looking you up on a website.

I’m no ranked player, but just a suggestion.

Well I am still 2 games from finishing my placements

Probably going to drop me at master 1000 like it does every season.

People in diamond quick match are honestly terrible its why I only play hero league because the quality of games is entirely different.

I’ll do that after I get home from work today and play my last two games.

Big surprise, can’t do an in game SS.

Anyway, why don’t you pick apart my build and tell me why W build (and also maybe elaborate on the talents you actually choose) is better. You can start with that in the meantime. If you actually put forward a real argument and/or reasoning, I’d read it and consider it with an open mind. But so far you’ve made basically no arguments whatsoever “I play against master players and I win a lot with W quest!!!” is not an argument.

I already explained above.

Go try it out. You said it needs 50 stacks to overvalue Q build.

You literally get like 10 stacks every time you pull it off correctly and once you get the lowered cooldown from auto attacks you stack even faster.

Also q build damage typically goes into a single target putting very little pressure on the enemy healer where W build not only does wonderful single target damage but can spread a big tick to multiple enemies putting a lot of pressure on the enemy healer

This could not be further from the truth.

One of the Q talents literally gets a bonus if all the arrows go into a single target?

It generally prioritizes your closest enemy hero.

It offers no real aoe pressure which is why it’s bad. Since it really doesn’t offer significant single target damage. With your W build you can literally blow people up and the area damage is good.

Haunting wave applies 3 stacks and does 25% (from festering wounds) + up to 25% (trait) + up to 25% (Might of the Banshee damage) and is easy to hit multiple targets including backline.

Then, with Remorseless, you can AA more often with +1 range and Might of the Banshee Attack speed. Since both front line and backline have max stacks, Remorseless also shoots a withering fire bolt from the first target hit - this can easily hit the backline and benefits from up to +50% damage as well.

Of course I don’t have to tell you how the W works, right? Even if I smack someone in the front or mid with it, it will spread to the backline, and also benefits from bonuses above.

Meanwhile, depending on the situation, with the extra AA range from remorseless you can also get +50% bonus damage AA’s on the backline if you’re good and opportunistic (or of course if their frontline isn’t watching them)

So let me get this straight, instead of ALL that, you are saying W quest is better for the backline just because you can hit the backline with the buffed W? And, of course, only after you have worked to get a lot of stacks which is partially dependent on being against at least 1 or 2 bad enemies?

Come on.

What if your W doesn’t get the kill? Then where is your damage? You have none until it comes back, and if you went Festering to get the max stacks quicker, the CD is full.

Lol just go try it.

You’ll probably feel embarrassed you even defended q build in the first place afterwards.

I have. It sucks. Honestly, it was the first thing I tried because it looked the best from just reading the talents, but in the actual game I quickly realized how silly I was for falling into the noob trap it was.

Also, the Q talent where you have to hit the same target all 5 times to get the bonus damage seems silly to me, too. If you actually read the build, you’ll notice I don’t take that either. They’re both carrots on a stick to entice noobs into picking them.

Well guess I’m just a better player then since I’m pulling it off vs. The same enemies.

Oh well.

Not when it comes to literally every possible measurable statistic available to us. But yea, other than that maybe.

By the way, I have to point out that this simply isn’t true. In my post containing my build I already explain why this isn’t true. At 50 stacks, your W is only getting 25% bonus damage. If you go Might of the Banshee, you already get 25% more AA atk speed, and up to 25% spell power (which affects ALL of your moves INCLUDING W). So at level 1 with Might I already have 25% bonus damage on my W and E AND 25% atk speed AND starts benefiting at level 1, yet you are saying 25% dmg to JUST the W is better? I don’t understand.

Clearly you will need more than 50 stacks to get value out of the W. Maybe 100 is closer to true?

Sorry not uploading photo was so bummed out by the news yesterday I just played wow instead of HoTS yesterday.

I did watch McIntyre stream last night and he played sylv with her W build.

He got into the HGC 18 semi finals so im. Sure he wasn’t noob trapped

Lol we all know you’re a silver, it’s OK. Also quit referring to Sylv as if she only has 2 builds, “W build” and “Q Build.” It is so telling that you have no idea what you’re talking about. There are a lot of builds that use various combinations of talents.

Speaking of, I was experimenting with my build above a bit, and it works well with all three of the Level 1 talents, including the W quest. My new favorite is actually the 3rd option, though, where 3 stacks can slow and you deal 1% max hp damage on any slowed target. With Festering putting 3 stacks on everything instantly, that actually is doing 1.25% max hp and made her able to chunk down tanks pretty quick and was a lot of fun. All the other talents I posted above I still like the best, though.

I went ahead and tried a few more builds focused on the W, and I won some games but I still wasn’t that impressed. It felt like too much work for too little payoff compared to my other setups. Some games I was over 50 stacks, and some games I wasn’t by the end, and I still feel like you need well over 50 for it to even resemble worthwhile. Sure, the games where we were pwning the enemies and I got a lot of stacks, it was doing quite a bit of damage, but those types of games are the types of games I would’ve probably won with any build.

Anyway, you enjoy your W quest on your silver games, and I’ll enjoy my own builds against actual Master players.

EDIT: Also, what news bummed you out? You talking about HGC or something?

It’s funny how this guy is trying so hard to bash her W build and seeing it become the Meta build as time goes on because it’s wonderful and I guess Q build was actually the “noob trap”. Hahahaha NotParadox just uploaded a W build video… and as I’ve pointed out McIntyre been building W since new Sylvanas was released.

You must be so mad to be wrong.

“I told you so” :slight_smile: I’m honestly so happy that yall are wrong after the straight up attacks I received here for trying to spread legitimate information.

Im just waiting for you guys to start saying how yall are better than the people I listed and they’re “noob trapped”.

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You’re delusional and in denial.