Songs to play the game to!

Or I use Imagine Dragons on Spotify.

EDIT: This for Alarak


Oh no no, please go ahead, this thread must persist.

Cuius est solum, eius est usque ad coelum et ad inferos.




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when you stomp the enemy as kharazim


When you fight as Arhon on 20 lvl and enemy team can’t kill you.

this remix is cool

You mean Stukov.

You mean Muradin…

He doesn’t punch even a little bit.

He has one big punch. On late even two.

Depends on the skin. With the one I use he points his hammer at them and they boosh.

One Punch Hummer?..

Ka-boom laddie!

and so we won’t get a real marauder character in hots now

We probably will, long range low attack speed high damage per shot and beefy character.

My “Slay them all!” song :rofl:. Sometimes when you smell victory, you have to have a song ready to start the onslaught. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

i was thinking about this just today :slight_smile: