Some Murky questions

  1. “Living the Dream” increases his spell power up to 20%. Does Murky use spell power for all abilities? So his Q, W, etc. all will be 20% stronger? What about his basic attack?

  2. Does “Toxic Buildup” (level 16) work with Octo-Grab, when you hit the enemy 3 times while they’re stunned? What about “Time to Krill”, would that work with Octo-grab too (dealing additional 7 damage/second)? Or does the hitting during Octo-grab not count as a basic attack?

  3. I forgot my other question. Thanks!

  1. Yes, it affects everything he does except for his basic attack. This includes procs from toxic buildup. Its quite good with march of the murlocs.
  2. No, despite how it looks he’s not actually doing any basic attacks during octo-grab. At least not as far as the game is concerned.
  3. Sorry for your lost memory :frowning:

Ok, thanks I appreciate it!

@Whompy… Murky is my main (level 194).

Murky is one of the few heroes that has a lot of viable talents/builds at every talent tier, so there’s a lot of options.

Assuming you’re relatively new to Murky, I recommend checking out his Full Slime build. It’s his most aggressive build and deals a ton of damage later in the game. I’ve been playing it almost exclusively (when I play Murky) for a long time now (last 100 levels?). As of a few days ago, my win rate in QM was over 65% with 140+ games played this season. Not trying to brag at all, just trying to show how good/effective it can be.

Level 1 - A Fishy Deal
Only real option here, imo. I always try to save my bribes for camps on the enemy’s side of the map to get in-and-out quickly and/or quickly taking camps right before/as the objective pops up (prioritizing the camps/lane furthest away).

Level 4 - Slime Time
Once you complete the first part of the quest (125 bonus damage), you’ll start pumping out a little damage in the early game. When you complete the 2nd part of the quest (slow increased to 30%), you’ll really be able to harass to a lot of heroes, especially back liners and/or heroes without a good escape that can’t blow you up in an instant (such as tanks and support).

Level 7 - Black Lagoon
Every talent at this tier is good, but the 30% increased range on the slime is definitely the best for this build. Yeah, you give up some survivability (Slippery When Wet), but you can kite players or keep a lot of them from fleeing much more often. Also, it makes completing the level 4 quest quicker/easier and makes it much easier to hit multiple heroes when they group up, which will be really strong later in the game. 30% range makes a big difference.

Level 10 - Octo-Grab
This is an aggressive build, so you gotta go with Octo-Grab here. You can solo a lot of squishies with the help of this. It’s also great for team fights or picking someone off and letting your teammates kill them, interrupting diving heroes to save your teammates (eg - Butcher charging in, Illidan hunting into your back line, Genji, catching Nova out of stealth, etc).

Level 13 - Fish Tank
I wasn’t a fan of the change to Fish Tank at first, but I think I like it better now than the previous version and becomes almost OP at level 20. It might not seem as good as the other options at first, but it’s great for taking camps or when enemy heroes group up. You can easily solo the big camp on Hanamura at level 13 with this talent. One slime on a minion wave will heal you from near death to full health. This talent will give you sustain against heroes that can’t blow you up quick enough. Some heroes will have a ton of trouble killing you and/or be forced to run away. Of course, there’s still a lot of heroes that you’ll have to stay away from (like Raynor), but it’s freaking hilarious to dance tight circles and stick like glue to heroes like Chromie that will struggle to skill-shot you or support heroes that won’t be able to kill you.

Level 16 - Fish Oil
This is great for getting an initial slime on a hero, especially in combination with Pufferfish + Octo-Grab. The slime will still be up when they come out of Octo-Grab, so you’ll deal about 500 extra damage if you slime them immediately after they come out of the Octo-Grab. Also, great for sliming (and slowing) from range, over walls, catching heroes fleeing just out of range, etc. Even if they run out of the bomb, it’s still a talented slime that deals decent damage and applies the slow.

Level 20 - Making Inky
I know everyone loves Big Tuna Kahuna at level 20, but I just can’t take it anymore after playing this full slime build. Sliming every 2 seconds is way more OP, especially in conjunction with completing your level 4 quest and especially with Fish Tank talent at level 16. If heroes group up at all, you will shred them. You’ll be able to get 3 slimes off in 2 seconds (slime/pufferfish/slime). Bubble when you have to (they can still blow you up quick) and slime when you come out.


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This interaction always confused me. Shouldn’t attacks (even ones that do only 1 damage) still proc toxic build up? Maybe it would be too strong but it’s not like Murky is blowing up the meta.

What about tufferfish / time to krill when you cannot complete the slime quest?


Octo is an ult, while effects you are talking about are basic attacks modifiers. Fishslapping during Octo is not basic attack, just ult “effect”.

Murky is actually one of the best spellpower buff targets in the game (assuming he doesnt get 1shot that is)

They’re both good, but taking Tufferfish instead of Slime Time just makes it a completely different build.

You can take Time to Krill with the Full Slime build, but it just makes completing the quest even tougher, so you probably shouldn’t be going with Slime Time at 4 if that’s the case.

The rare times I take Tufferfish, I fully commit to a laning build and take the bubble talents at 7 (Slippery When Wet) and 13 (Rejuvenating Bubble) so I can escape much easier and I’ll usually take March of the Murlocs for my ult. This means I’m probably not going to some of the objectives and hardcore camping/pushing instead.

Don’t worry if you’re not fully completing the quest until late in the game. As long as you’re completing the first half of the quest (15 stacks = 125 slime bonus damage), you’re still going to pump out the damage. The 2nd part of the quest (30 stacks = slow) is very strong, but isn’t as important and you’ll quickly complete this part of the quest anyways once you hit 20 and can slime every 2 seconds. Even if you don’t have a lot of stacks by level 16, once you get your level 16 talent it becomes a lot easier to get stacks (which I’ll explain below) and extremely easy at level 20 talent when you can slime every 2 seconds.

Some tips for getting slime stacks against tougher matchups…

• Poke like crazy. Stay behind your minions/line as much as possible and just dip in every 4 seconds to slime (try to slime the minions along with the hero). In team fights, poke the tanks and especially the supports with slime and stay away from the assassins if possible.
• Use your pufferfish as a distraction. Run in, slime enemy hero and Pufferfish the minions. Only the bad players will run away from your pufferfish in the lanes, everyone else will blow it up. So, when you throw pufferfish on the minions, use that time to AA enemy and get in an extra slime, then retreat, wait for CD’s and repeat. If you’re doing this as a decoy, don’t stand on/near the Pufferfish because you can take splash/AOE damage.
• Don’t worry if you die a few extra times. Don’t feed, but without the bubble talents (especially the speed bubble at 7 - SWW) you can’t get away in some situations that you would normally escape from. If you know you can’t get away, stop running away and Just dance circles around them, juke in and out of fog, run away from them towards their base, try to slime 2 heroes stacked, etc, just do anything to get in an extra slime or two if you know you can’t get away.
• In a team fight prior to level 16, you can oftentimes run in (preferably sneak in from a bush or the back line to buy an extra second or two), slime 2-3 heroes clumped up, bubble, slime them again and get out. Rinse and repeat. As I said, this is an aggressive build. You might die a couple times from doing this, but once you hit level 13, sliming 3+ heroes when you come out of the bubble is usually enough to fully heal you. Don’t be suicidal, always try to get in-and out, but if you die it’s not that big of a deal (unless they have a Butcher, in that case, don’t do this). Just remember to move your egg closer to the objective/fight before it starts.
• Catch heroes lane switching. For example, if you’re laning bottom and the objective is getting ready to start up top, leave the lane first, sneak around, and catch them trying to transition up top. Stick to them, dip in and out, dip back in when they try to mount, etc. Don’t try this against a hero that will blow you up, but pick on the heroes that can’t. Some heroes won’t be able to deal with this very well.

• Once you hit level 16 Fish Oil talent counts towards the quest. The slime from Pufferfish occurs when the Pufferfish hits the ground, not when it explodes. Abuse this as much as possible! Run into a group, slime+pufferfish will immediately give you a few stacks. Then just use your bubble to get out if you have to. If you can survive long enough (4 seconds) before you have to bubble, you can get in even more stacks. You can easily get a few stacks in less than a second this way and it’s pretty much unavoidable for them.

After a while, you’ll understand how/where to get in your slime stacks most efficiently. Once again, tanks/supports are usually the best targets when possible, but even some assassins are decent targets. Believe it or not, a hero like Chromie and early Butcher are good targets…
• Chromie’s Q & W attacks are skill shots, so you can easily dodge them.
• Butcher can’t solo you early game unless you’re out of position. Don’t fight too far out in the lane if you don’t know where he is and just save your bubble for his charge. In the early game, even if he stuns you he can’t kill you before you get out of the stun.
• If you get a hard counter like Raynor or Hammer in your lane, ask for a lane switch. There’s just nothing you can do against them. You won’t be able to get near Hammer and Raynor will blow you and your Pufferfish up in a nanosecond.

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Thanks for the tips, I’ll give it a try.

Fun, tangentially-related fact about Octo-grab - while it deals spell damage, it does so at a fixed 1 damage per hit. No matter how much spell power Murky has, it never deals any extra damage. This is because of And a Shark, Too! and its ludicrous damage bonus (13700%). If it were increasing by any more than 1, that’d be nuts.

I always go for his slime. And if you dont die to much you can end up being best at everything at least in AI. Just bubble wisely.

1 Fish Eye for vision and see stealth. Near egg ofc.
4 Slime time. (bonus damage and slow if you manage the Quest).
7 Black lagoon for slime radius increase.
10 I just take the march. Good for towers, keeps and objectives.
13 Fish tank, heals 25% of all damage. Nice when march is on and you want to dive.
16 Toxic buildup
20 Making inky (sometimes more march if close to core.)

Can solo most heroes sometimes more or bubble away.

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Psyclone625 Thanks for your in-depth replies. Though I have nowhere near the amount of experience with Murky you have, I wouldn’t consider myself new with him. I think I’ve played 185 games with him or so. My win rate is only 51% I think, so I know I can improve.

Usually, I take

    • Fishy Deal
    1. Living the Dream
    1. Slippery When Wet
    1. Octo-Grab (Unless on Alterac Pass or Volskaya Foundry)
    1. Rejuvenating Bubble
    1. Fish Oil
    1. Depends on the game/situation. I’ve taken all of his options here.

Since you’ve had such success with your slime build, I’ll have to try it. It does sound annoying- For the other team. So really, it sounds like a blast.

Thanks for the tips!

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