Some mindset advices for new players

I did not want to showcase a very skilled Sylvanas gameplay, you’ll see my better play if you’re in a game against me.

The point of that guide, which was specifically stated in the guide, was to help beginners to the game, or to Sylvanas herself. I explained a build I thought was pretty straight forward and reliable with someone’s skill not being that of a master player.

Keep these things in mind:

  1. How can you expect someone to learn something if they don’t even understand what you are doing or the basis of it? When people see Sylvanas activate her Q 3-4 times in one play while teleporting all over the place, stutter stepping, and getting tons of kills, do you think beginners know what exactly you are doing? No, they probably don’t. In my guide, I specifically picked that match as reference so that people could know that you don’t need to be super skilled in micro to be a decent Sylvanas. A Sylvanas who is barely starting to play the hero needs a very basic start point and they move on from there. If you show someone a master level play style and they try to replicate it, they will feed.
  2. Would an experienced, master level, Sylvanas be looking at a beginner guide? Maybe to criticize it, but it won’t do them much good because they are already very experienced with that hero. Me personally, I’m a level 100+ Sylvanas player, with a bad early track record that I learned from. If I want to improve my fundamentals, I look at beginner guides, then again. I’m Silver, and don’t claim to be a god Sylvanas even though I do have enough confidence to say I am a good Sylvanas. If I’m a master level Sylvanas player, I will look for guides that can help me improve further, which means watching videos from players around Fan’s level, or any other ex-pro players. Because I will improve when I find ways I can improve. Silver players have much more improvement potential than a master level player. I get it, you’re a master Sylvanas player, but you did not need to specifically call my gameplay out like that. You possibly misunderstood the gameplay’s purpose, which was to teach in a way people could understand.
  3. You’re right, rank and knowledge level are two different things. Don’t judge a player based on their rank. I understand your intentions were to combat a comment on low level guides, and I’m fine with that, but I dislike how you criticized my gameplay when it was put in because it was simple to understand. That’s the point of a beginner guide, to be easy to understand and implement until a player builds on it and creates their own play style.

Don’t feel a need to reply.


I really do appreciate the long detailed explaining the reasons behind the video, and I agree showing her in full potential will result in confusion especially for beginner guide targeted to new players, I can edit my comment if its necessary as I wasn’t really criticizing the guide content and more the vid that was embed, when that guide was posted back in the beginning I even gave it a like because I really believe its a good guide for beginners/new players.


I’m glad we can handle this like decent people. I don’t mind the criticism on a personal level, but when its going to give me an image that I’m not even good at Sylvanas, when I am pretty good and my guide is really in depth and correctly informative I don’t appreciate that. I want beginners not to be turned off because master player said the gameplay wasn’t good.

I appreciate you giving me a like, and for a higher skilled Sylvanas player to say my guide was on point, not just good, is nice to see. Thanks.


I like bringing back threads from months ago too.

The only free information aka coaching is bad information, even if you new to the game and you want advice, the only good advice will be to just get coaching. I am pretty sure it is very easy to find in the internet, idk. But I think it is ok to get coaching when you are at high diamond tier to get into grandmaster tier obviously you need to find a grandmaster coach for that similar if you want to get into diamond you need a diamond coach. The rest is just waste of time in my opinion.


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