Silencing The Storm - The Rise and Fall of HotS

That is your opinion on the current state of the game. If you read what I said more carefully I then you will realize I expressed the disparity between OP new heroes and the older obsolescent heroes. The current state may very well be more balanced than the months after 2.0 but I never claimed that wasn’t the case so there is no need to get defensive here.

This comment you make sounds ageist and implies we shouldn’t have appreciation for past things simply because they are old. The notion that everything new will be better is a delusion.

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it since we all experience things differently. The post 2.0 experience for my friends and I was disappointing to say the least. Something we loved turned in to something hideous. Ugly things need love too I suppose.

Some people are not so easily bamboozled by free stuff coupled with ulterior motives.

Even if 20 heroes shared mule (which they didn’t) the hero’s talents still felt more unique and diverse than they did post 2.0. You can add as many heroes as you want but eventually the skills start having very similar animations which make them appear as copied skills from another character but with a new color/description.

I won’t convince you that HoTS was better before 2.0 and you will not convince me it was better after. I have played the game since and have been consistently disappointed in the development decisions that ruined a game I love.

The only way truth can be achieved in this debate is if Blizzard released player numbers for pre 2.0, post 2.0, and then current players today. Blizzard is obviously afraid to release this information as it almost certainly shows decline after decline. If the game was better than it has ever been then the player numbers would reflect that and Blizzard would be proud to flaunt it. (e.g. Overwatch) Since Blizzard will not release the current and past player numbers the only logical conclusion is that the game is becoming worse and worse.

Lets just deal with this case first just to get it out of the way, as the video in topic was saying, and as stated by quite alot of previous players.
They had several issues along the way, one of them being that they were late out in the MOBA genre (That’s just one of many)
So past 2.0 when they decided to pull the plugg on HCG ofc the playerbase declined, why would they ever show a decline in the playerbase?
That would make people like you leave the game even sooner, then get a lower playerbase, longer Q times, even lower playerbase and at the end being done with the game overall.

Now that being adressed, let’s go back abit.

I am rational to the degree were old and bad doesn’t equal good.
I am so rational that good + good equals good.
I for one HATE the new WoW expansions, they are a bore to playthrough, there is no communication anymore in the game, just ALOT of the good parts were replaced by new bad things, speaking mainly of PUG systems here but in general alot of bad things.
WoW aside, pre 2.0 the game was in a good state, but ALOT of champs lacked uniqenes in talents, alot of champs sharing talents, some of them were dull as heck aswell, barrely made a difference much like the old talent system on WoW.

They wanted that gone, they wanted the player to feel like they got mighty buffs with each talent picked, also alot of Quest Talents were added, and those are super unique, fun and usually very skill based, usually defines the characters playstyle.
Pre 2.0 this was not the case, so what did we really miss? what is it to go back to, we got updated talent trees, the flow of the game got improved DRASTICLY, and well the only major major major difference was the menu and loot boxes, that ruins NOTHING with the gameplay it self, but is pure cosmetic, and we can now obtain that for free by just playing the game we all know and love.
And despite the declining playerbase Blizzard continues to poor out major update upon major update, they reduced the hero release quite alot, but in return we get more balanced gameplay, more maps, more reworks and improvements.

I adressed your opinion on mobile “OP” OW champs, not being defensive, not taking anything personal here, that’s not how i deal with things, but i will adress it if people call something well working, flawed and broken.
This game has consistantly had heroes balanced and played every season.
Pre 2.0 had a couple of imbalanced spots, like Malfurion forexample that had a must pick mule talent.
And was therefore either always banned or always picked in pro matches.

Calling something OP makes me thing you don’t get a game, that you lack the basic knowledge to comprehend that you have to adapt to changes and the game.
You can’t just lose matches then blame blizzard for not making the game easier for you as a player.

Where and how? like give me an example, i can’t think of a single hero that felt more unique then, than they do now.
I have played since the beta.
Also to adress similarities, blizzard has said so them selfs that that is one of the reasons why they don’t want to poor out so many heroes at once, because they want them to be unique.
Have you tried a game of League forexample? I climbed my way to Diamond there from S1 up to S4, and with each season i felt like i got more of a headache with each game, champs were so unbalanced they could easily 1v5 a whole team after their release, and they got released into ranked aswell before being fixed.

In HOTS you gotta think of ally comp, enemy comp and overall utility in your hero.
In League you had to run counterpicks until your team could match theirs, then try to trample your lane as hard as you could.
HOTS on the other hand is 100% team based, even if you are the best of the best here you are stil heavily in need of being able to work along and around your team.

And 1 pick doesn’t ruin a whole match.

I am not here to defend my self, i am more here to defend a game that is constantly being attacked because the players can’t comprehend having to work as a team to rank up.

Anyways, this ain’t personal, it is as you say an opinion, and i bet we agree on alot of things unrelated.

Peace! :v:


The decline was likely occurring well before the death of HGC. The amount of players that cared for HGC is a small fraction of the total players who played HoTS. Most people would rather play the game than watch other people play. That is why I contend that the video is made with HGC fan bias and is not representative of all HoTS player’s actual views on why the HoTS decline has occurred. The truth is there are MANY reasons why HoTS and many of them are potentially subjective.

The way this you have written this jumps to conclusions. I never claimed old and bad equals good and your portrayal attempts to paint my own statement in this manner. I am glad we can agree somethings can be new/bad and old/good or vice versa.

This is your opinion and I absolutely disagree but we can leave this difference of opinion here since we won’t convince one another.

I have also played since beta. I am not going to list out all the reasons HoTS was better before 2.0. There are already countless threads on that very subject. Google HoTS Classic Pre 2.0 and you will have plenty of reading material. I know you only want me to list these to further argue but there really is no point to it. I’ve expressed my opinion you have expressed yours. That is where it should end.

This statement gets to the heart of the matter. You are interpreting another’s opinion about the game as an attack. It is personal to you because you love the game so much. I understand your appreciation for the game and HoTS is a game I have loved as well. It is imperative that we don’t take things like this personally because at the end of the day it is just a game.

If other’s don’t enjoy it anymore and want to express their discontent then that is ok. It is at that point where the mature choice would be to let others believe what they want and to go on enjoying what you love.