Shows Two Loot. Then Only One

This is concerning Heroes Of The Storm.

I leveled to 185 along with leveling my character Zarya to level 3. It said two loot chests. But when I go to the loot screen there is only one rare chest.

This is not the first time this has happened.

It started at around level 175. it says two chests which make sense when you level a char and go up a level as well. Say level 3 char to 4, and 175 to 176. Then when I go to the chest screen there is only 1 listed.

Please help. Thanks.

It’s a visual bug.

Thanks for the update. It has been going on for me for a couple of weeks. Doing a scan and repair now to see if that fixes anything. But then I still have to level. (You know missing one is not good.) Will check back.

I have a screenshot where I just leveled Arthas to Level 4. My overall Level went to 186. On the right side of the screen it shows 2 loot boxes. It makes sense. For the longest time when leveling both character and main level it would give me two to open.

Now it shows two (2) but when I click on it only one(1) shows up.

I read the Blizzard post under Bug Reports concerning this and understand Blizzard is aware. I just wanted to follow-up with what just happened AND I have a screenshot to show in case it is needed.

Um…well fix it.

Thanks for reading.

If you want the screenshot let me know.

I think I understand that at level 190 I will definitely received a rare chest and a regular chest…right? That did not happen at 185!!

Also if anyone has a link to where it states the loot box reward changes at a certain level passing it along would be appreciated. In other words the order of receiving the loot boxes. Thx again.