I recently learned people can’t track your location irl so death threats may be back on the table for anything allowed.
To get banned you generaly had to have been punished before. And if those get repeatedly appealed, that ban if it happens also can be appealed.
The problem is that plenty of toxic people expect their final punishement to get lifted, ignoring their previous cases entirely. As GM i can understand that they wont want to bother with someone like that.
That appeals are hard are not an issue, as long as they work.
It only takes 1 streamer for a developer to become bombed if they are falsely banned permanently without appealing chance. And plenty of players might not be known as a streamer. And before you think: well, they can look it up.
Thats almost as much work as just digging into the data of some recent games and find out the general behaviour of a person. Because its not just about ‘he is a streamer’ that matters. Streamers can be toxic aswel.
But yeah, the report system isnt ideal, and is clearly shown on that. Thats something i do agree with. I believe just muting, and providing a blocklist with infinite size (even if only localy, and online only the last 1000 are stored) should be enough.
But if reporting people like that gets removed. People just move on to the next option in the list to report them for, and it still isnt going to help much except it might be visible within the data and ignore reports that way.
perhaps they should keep a report option for discrimination, because discriminations sucks.
but yeah they should remove the “naughty words hurt my feelz” report option.
yesterday enemy team discriminated me by taking camp on our side of the map (meaning we were not equal - they had 2 we 0). ban them
Maybe take your camp before they do it ?
Sadly, this isnt going to work.
The issue is that discrimination (or better said, the feeling of being affected by it) is a personal thing. People can differ a lot on what they accept since people can use slurs that are considered part of discriminating behaviour, even though it can just be a general insult. Cursewords and racist slurs are equal on that part.
The automated system is simply not going to be able to cover that, and people will instead just figure out which words are then ‘safe’ to use.
And as a result, people are just going to create alternative slurs to cover up the blocked ones. You might be amazed how many alternative names that ended up becoming slurs (and those names were created by the goverment). If people want to use it as an insult, they will.
The only real solution is to give people the tools to ensure they can block them properly, and instead rely on governments to ensure that this behaviour becomes discouraged (and note, you can be 100% sure they will fail at this part, because of the same reason an automated system cant cover it).
Machine learning and AI might improve the detection here, but thats still just a band aid fix instead of being a true solution.
Why should i do it, when i can report for discrimination when it happens? Their fault.
I tend to agree with this. Anything that falls into the spectrum of “severe bad language” should be reported, but not something like “please soak a lane” or “noob.”
At present under the report rules saying the very worst racial slur or death threat is as considered as bad as asking someone to soak a lane, and both can get you a silence. It’s a very broken system.
Unfortunately you are wasting finger calories typing complaints, although true, about the reporting system. Blizzard has been griefing their own community for years with its implementation; and ignored the many hundreds of threads on both the old and new forums regarding the matter. Never once did a blue ever chime in on a thread pertaining to the reporting system.
Blizzard has shat the bed as a company. It used to care about and regularly communicate with the players that have supported them.
Oh well; I’ll keep working on my 8th smurf and abuse the lower leagues until I get back up into Diamond.
Not everyone is willing to keep smurfing like me; most just quit. The remaining population will get griefed by diamond players like me that are forced to smurf. The game is dying off; and its Blizzard’s fault. It’s a great game…its just ran by politically-stupid people “woke” by the vile touch of cancel culture meanwhile having a god complex.
No, actually, I don’t. And how do I not sound innocent? LOL