Report question at the end of game

well here is how i look at it just so you have some reference…

  1. Weekly Account Suspensions for Non-Participation

    • this thread hasnt been updated since September 2018 (at least 7 months). which to me says they havent done anything.
  2. from past accounts the report system is highly abusable and automated.

    • what we have seen is there is legit proof that false reporting leads to actions that are not warranted. further, support will not investigate these in most cases and assume that the report system is 100% correct.
    • the forum report system is similar though consequences on actions are very harsh for even minor infractions.

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
:rage: :angry: :frowning: :confused: :neutral_face: :smirk: :slightly_smiling_face: :smile: :grin:

in game: :frowning:
in forum: :angry:

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