Ready Check button when game is found

Have a ready check button when the queue finds a game. This could reduce the amount of players AFKing or not paying attention.

-Queue for game.
-Game finds a game for you.
-Click ready and wait for the rest of the players on queue to click ready.
-When all players click ready, the battle starts to load.
-If there is a player AFKing or not paying attention and don’t click ready, they miss the queue and are replaced being sent to the back of the line of the queue or removed from queue.

Huh, just realized this is how OW handles queuing for games. Hots just do what OW does. KTB.


But this will increase matchmaking times so the community wont like it :rage:

Totally true, it’s why I left it out. :shushing_face:

If it inceases que time, the community won’t like it, no matter what :unamused:


Let them cry about it more? Seems like a sensible solution for acquiring higher quality games.


Higher quality games < fast que time.
Is sad how mostly of the community think. Anyway i agree with you, i don’t like when some guy notice that the game already start until the first minion wave is done.


I suspect this is just me either being:
-in an area where almost no one does this.

But based on my thousands of games this is a solution looking for a problem. Sure, maybe Overestimating, once in 100 games or so someone will afk longer than the first wave. Probably more like 1 in 250-300 games.

Again, I might just be abnormally luck and avoiding these things, or in an MMR bracket where it does not happen.

This would be annoying, however. Sometimes I’ll queue while running downstairs to grab a drink, or refill my water bottle. Maybe grab a banana or something else small to eat on the way back to my computer.

I’ll often come back with a game loading. So this would just result in my getting in fewer games and being unable to leave my computer at all.

Seems like the feature would be better for people who have higher leaver percentage recently, or lots of afk reports. But that makes it harder to add.

Despite you being lucky, many have voiced this very problem.

If you missed your queue, none suffer because you have been replaced with someone who is ready. If having to stay on queue a little longer is too much to bare, then don’t queue while you have other things to do that cause you to AFK.

I don’t think it’s fair for players to deal with people who aren’t attentive. You can AFK while on queue but, If you miss your queue, that’s on you.

Then again:

The people in my party who know I will be back and ready before the gates open will suffer having to queue again.

Despite the fact I will be there.

Now, if I solo queue, i don’t mind.
But “oh, I finished my water, I need to refill it” after hitting queue, seriously? That’s me having to do other things?

Again, I do not mind the general concept being used at a target part of the playerbase, examples:

  1. People who do not take any actions until the gates are nearly opened more than 1-2 games in a row.
  2. People with a high percentage (10%+, minimum of 3 games) of games where they take no action before gates open
  3. People who are reported AFKing who start their game AFK.

This kind of data is recorded to deal with bots/AFKERs/etc already.

So I do not think getting the data is an issue. The issue is the time of might take to implement a viable system.

Regardless, i’m still not seeing why I should be punished if I realize I need to refill my water of want to grab a banana or other food. When i’ve Got something like, maybe 5 games where I was AFK until the gates opened, out of 6000+ games when included versus AI and secondary account.

Again, I don’t mind being punished if I solo queue, as the queues are super quick (I spent years on DotA off peak hours, 10-30 minutes waiting for game to fill)) and I can always read or watch a video while waiting.

But it would hurt people I queue with if I happen to need to grab something small quick. Which happens.

This will only be an excuse to game the system.

This again, is on you. Regardless if you make it on time to hit ready, or when the game loads.

You should be punished for wasting other peoples time, if you happen to be AFK during a match or not being ready to play.

You seem to be injecting your personal life into this matter, when it is not about you specifically. Many people have many reasons for AFKing a game. This will help protect those who are able to invest their time from those who for whatever reason, AFK. You lose some time requeing. The players who have an AFKer suffer with a player doing nothing for a good while, or a dumb AI.

Except I literally suggested a way to avoid that? By using, you know, players statistics and other thing which the system already tracks.

But if I’m going to be there when the game loads, WHO CARES?
Again, I suggested a much more viable solution in terms of not punishing people who have no need to be punished.

But this isn’t about someone being AFK or not being ready to play in a match.
This is about being at the keyboard and ready before the game is even loaded.

Because I need examples, and the fact is I do tend to move around to do things quickly when I hit queue, typically 15-45 seconds when I do.

These are not theoretical examples.

yes and I made a suggestion which you ignored to make this target the players who are doing the afking. Instead of targeting everyone even if they’ve never afked.

And I offered a more viable solution that you didn’t even bother to respond to.

I should clarify for number 3, Blizzard can track actions/etc taken either through gamedata, or someone looking at the game. If someone is flagged as being AFK by others, and that AFK is at the very start of the game (or maybe better if it happens any part of hte game) they are set to be part of this “need to say they are ready”.

This system also leads to a way to definitively get rid of afkers who are serial, and remove ability to “Cry wolf”.

As Blizz would be able to say “you clicked a box that said you are there, and than went afk again” == deliberate afker.

No not for QM. We want fast game, not high quality match. Just play TL for high quality game, not in QM.

I won’t quote your whole post but I’m sure I will be addressing all of it now.

Not being at your computer means you’re AFK. Deliberate or not, because to the other players in your queue are the ones suffering, because to them, you’re not there. You are just being selfish with your time by punishing others because you forgot to get water. That’s on you not being ready to sit and play, like the rest of your team.

If you happen to make it on time, great! If not, you specifically, said you would take the punishment, yet, it’s not only you who is punished because of time wasted not playing or AI bot that is graced on your teammates.

Putting the ready check at the beginning already takes out players who are not ready (for whatever reason). If a player hits ready loads into the battle, then AFKs, that’s when the other teammates can decide if they should report them for inactivity.

AFKing repeatedly / reports against you would give a punishment of not being able to play for a set amount of time. Or you can play a set amount of games, that give no credit, no exp, no win or loss, and no gold.

Again, not being ready for your queue only means you wait a little longer solo or in a party. Currently, missing your queue, other players must suffer with an AFKer. If you make it on time, no harm done.

Of course you do… Do us a favor though: Tell the QM players not to complain about MM and team comp.

And, again, because it appears to go over your head:
who cares if you’re AFK before a game loads if you’re back before, or right after it loads?

I’ve given suggestions for how you could use data which is already collected, or at least monitored to implement a system which forces players who actually have AFKed at the start of matches to not be given the benefit of the doubt that they will be back before the match starts.

Can you explain to me why punishing people who have never done this is reasonable especially when there is data collected/monitored that would let you target people who have afked in the manner you describe before.

how is making it before the loading screen ends but after the queue pops not on time? I miss nothing relevant to the game. But I should be punished for it?

I would go through your post history to try to find some similar positions to mine you’ve possible held, but it is private, so. Oh well.

I made it pretty clear in my OP on the order of events for my suggested idea.

You got confused on how things work now and what I’m suggesting. You insist you need the 45 seconds to do whatever it is you need to do during the queue time, which seems to be WAY too much time for you not being queued and spend the time doing whatever it is you would be doing during the queue. The part you are hung up on is:

Currently in the game of HOTS the system is thus:
You queue for a game, go do whatever you need to do during the queue time, come back before game starts. Good job! You didn’t waste anyone’s time or give the gift of an AI to your teammates.

Someone (who is not you), queues for a game and does not return in time, is branded an AFK/inactive reported, and replaced with an AI bot. Teammates time is wasted, and must endure an AI bot on their team for the duration of the match. The person who is AFK gets punished for inactivity.

Now here comes my idea:

Players who do not hit ready when the game finds a match for them will be returned to the queue to find a new match.
If someone is AFK they won’t be put into a match where they can potentially ruin it by being inactive, because they did not push ready to enter the match. They will just spend a little more time in the queue.
If a player does hit ready and is inactive during the match or replaced by AI, this is when the penalty will happen for that player. They ruined the game even though they hit ready, they deserve to be punished.

/my idea

There is no point in bringing up the fact that you did make it on time before the match starts because that is you. People don’t complain about that because (as you and I mentioned) no one knows you were AFK. You specifically NEED your 45 seconds during a queue time. You fail to plan ahead.(I didn’t want to go there) Before you start your gaming session get a bunch of water and snacks. Before you queue, make sure you don’t need to AFK. If 45 seconds is too long for you to not be queued so you can get your water and snacks, that is a you problem. You prefer to save 45 seconds to get your things done because you fail to plan ahead instead of having higher quality matches with less AFKers/inactives. You are only proving this posters point even further.


The community can swallow the pill of a little extra time to queue, which would only occur if you have AFKers in the draft. The tradeoff is you don’t have sit through draft for 5 minutes just to have someone afk whole time and throw you back to the queue screen. Or they are the leader and miss all bans. Or they show up late and “can’t play” any of the core roles left to lock. The issue of afk in draft has gotten worse and worse, and causes many games to be lost in the draft. Also think about what everyone is saying. If someone is AFK and misses the ready check, do you really want them in your draft? The ready check will change player behavior for the better. It will promote a functional drafting process as the game is intended.

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I’m waiting for you Catherina~


I feel it’s a good idea. You wait in line. If you aren’t ready, you lose your chance to play when a group was formed and are put back into queue. The team that loses the member, go to the front of the queue. Thing is WoW works this way and so does OW. Why doesn’t HOTS work this way?

You essentially find a group that is READY to play, nearly all the time.

In another thread I made some point about people being kicked and when they should be kicked. It shouldn’t all be left to the players. Other types of info are gathered to ALLOW the players to kick the player. Like, time spent in one spot, APM, dmg dealt, healing done, dmg received, all that. Then the game can give the option for players to kick the player, and then they are safe to leave the ruined game without penalty.

Yeah who cares if you are afk before the draft or load screen. That has nothing to do with a ready check lol. The ready check requires you to not be AFK when that moment happens. Even with ready check you can go AFK if you get back before the game/draft starts. The problem is people that are AFK beyond that point, especially in Storm League. It decays the quality of ranked play and often devolves into people raging at the AFKer, or the AFKer not getting back before their turn to lock in draft and throwing everyone back into the queue screen. Now you have wasted 1-5 minutes drafting and end up back in the queue screen. If you had a ready check feature this would not happen. Go play 1 game of League of Legends and you will see what feature is being discussed.

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Step 1: Hit ready
Step 2:

Step 3: Get dropped for afk
Step 4: Make a forum post about it and say you never afk despite getting a leaver penealty.
Step 5: Profit!