Quick! Favorite tank and why?

Anub’arak. With the series of buffs to beetle build, there really isn’t a bad map or comp for him. I have had Muradins and TB Varians underestimate the raw damage and sustain of a full beetle build, and lose a 1v1. He is also a lot of fun to play as his play style is very dynamic, and can reward aggression. He has a ton of peel, so if your team mates decide to go full potato, he can often salvage the situation and turn things around quickly.

Tyrael and Blaze are equally fun for me to play, although they require far more cooperation from your team in the main tank role, so I play them mostly in QM or ARAM rather than draft modes. I also sneak in some Diablo matches when I can, but since he is currently strong and very popular, it is hard to get him in SL due to bans, so I play him in QM when I am feeling particularly violent.


He is cool

Absolutely hate him

Love him

Arthas! Hes cool.

If youve got a healer who can keep you alive with out you needing to take Q talents he feels awesome!
The amount of CC he can bring to the table is pretty silly and using sindragosa to engage a teamfight or dive a fort is a good feeling. I lile nerfing the attackspeed of otherwise dangerous auto attackers in a evil sort of way.
Also AA resets are fun.


For me it’s Malganis. I enjoy the spamminess of his Q.

I’m not one to watch replays. However, after my malganis games i always do it for the comical hilarity of how effective i may or may not have been during ‘blind as a bat’ spam.

Health swap ult also looks, sounds and feels awesome.

Also…“i am malganis, i am a turtle”


I like her character, I like tanks with mobility, I like characters with Circular AOEs instead of projectile shots, I like her general feel…

the only thing i don’t like about her is icewall.

Johanna, best crusader, best frontliner, best pick-up liner.


Dehaka: magic armor, huge self-healing, cool control, excellent damage, line cleaning, global mobility, and mercenary camps can be taken. And yes, I know that Dehaka is not considered a tank, but personally I don’t care.

ARTHAS! cause he is half bruiser too and he unkillable and he lich king so he cool

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Sgt Hammer, sexiest tank in game.


I would say Taunt Varian, but I actually play Diablo and Johanna considerably more because I find my allies know how to play around me more consistently. Blaze is always solid if you are drafting in a weird spot and potentially need to be able to cover the off-lane.

Once Medallion is gone, my opinions may shift again.

Ive seen your profile tho. You never touched tank :sweat_smile:

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Diablo. I love those bursts of anger, burying people’s face into walls is satisfying enough and Slim Diablo is sick! AA build is boring tho…
but yeah, Hammer is, by definition, the best tank.

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Chen because i love to troll with Keg :smiley:

Anub’arak. I can control the fights, delay the enemies and peel my teammates. All that with mild surprising moves.

Early on I did appreciate Johanna for being the unbreakable rock herself, however those times are over.

I also kinda like Muradin but the Q quest requirements are a bit high so either it takes a while or I focus on that instead of quality tanking. A possible tweak to that would be, it pierces if it doesn’t hit a hero (no quest). For me its main purpose is to either clear camps / waves, or stun a hero behind a minion. Double stuns are cool, but rare anyway.

for me? johana, even her D got nefed by 5 damn seconds, i love jumping every 12 seconds over the enemy team at lvl 20

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Because he is Muradin.

ETC has such an amazing set of talents, such good combo potential, great playmaking, can be built to handle himself solo, has team control and global presence on his ults, and brings lots of support to the team in comparison to other tanks.

Frankly, he’s one of my favourite tank designs overall from a MOBA. Still trying to figure out why he needed Encore, but hey.

Artanis !
Because protoss !

Diablo and Garrosh.

Both of them because of the displacements, diablo selfsustain is incredible and I play him almost as an assassin.

Garrosh because of the throwing enemies behind you to be dispatched by your team or saving an ally or getting a kill throwing you ally to the fleeting enemy hero


Yes, she is a tank.

Yes she out tanks other tanks after level 10.

Yes she can be a bruiser too.

It takes 3 people to kill me if we are equal levels. That’s why.