QM: There should be a max gap level

No they’re dying because they lack map awareness and the intelligence to position and play safe. I mean my allies who are feeding can be an azmodan or a hanzo and they’re still getting ganked.

Also for the record leoric has a teleport on his e

But yes I understand some heroes have to die to sort of save others like Uther or garrosh but that’s not what’s going on here


Not gonna lie, I enjoy a lot of the games where we’re 3-4-5-6 levels ahead because I play a lot of heroes that are focused on getting an EXP lead… It might not be fun if you’re looking for a nail-biter but it’s nice sometimes to really, really put a team in the dirt just because of a couple of moves at the right times.

Sometimes you gank their solo laner early and they lost 1.5 waves. Then you ganked someone right before the 1st of 3 objectives, globaled from a camp push into a fort on the 2nd objective, and then outright beat them in the teamfight for the 3rd and now you stagger them into a keep and all of their forts or something. How perfectly can you win the game, how quickly can you finish the core? That’s its own fun. You’re doing the enemy team a favor by beating them so completely

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