Qhira, our favorite OP, has been defeated

Depends on what you mean by effort, but lots of assassins should delete KT “without much effort”.


Nooooo that’s a mentality that involves counter play. I couldn’t dream for the general population to have that. Glad you have that thought :purple_heart:

I just mean “OP hero got nurffed so the game is great again, she bad I gud”


I hope not. After Blizzard nerfed my Nova to the ground, I hope they nerf everything in proportion to the tears. No pity from me.

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One word - SamiSha.

I cannot fault you for your stance My friend as one who loves Nova as well I cannot fault you, but I think that is the wrong mindset to be in


Are you to Cho to his Gall? <3


We are not engaged.




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No we are not.

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Accept the truth.

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Congratulations you two, may I plan your engagement party? Tassadar origami decorations to festoon the Hall of Storms themed party tent. Oh and little hourdovers shaped like force walls and pulse bombs, glowing warp pylons and some Lucio themed party music.

It’s about time you two.

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No we are not engaged.

Well I’m sad now. :frowning:


I am happy, which one of you is basically a single lady? your names seem gender neutral

I would not consider these changes nerfs, rather I think that is how it should have been from the beginning, but of course I hope that the devs will test the things they are going to take out in a user environment, since they seem to only try the new things in developer environment and that leaves them with a wrong view of the additions that they will implement later in the game.