Qhira Not that Good Really

Great argument would actually feel like a good one if a plethora of fun heroes never got nerfed to oblivion because of QM.
If qhira is not balanced around QM then i want reworked nova and old chromie back and give devastating charge back if the game is not balanced around people not juking there is no reason it should be around people not knowing when to avoid being against walls.
You either balance everyone on the same principles or you don’t.

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About what i expected from a hero release: She comes out a little over-tuned, everybody cries for nerfs, she gets nerfed hard, then she sucks and people still complain. Literally her ult is the most predictable crap in the world all you have to do is move but for some reason people who play this game(mainly people in QM) can’t understand that. Same goes for the rest of her abilities except for W. All are dodgeable.

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I still dont get why she should be allowed to have a mini Reghar ult on a 16 sec cd if she gets alot of blood debufs out on many. Seen her way to many times she just turn a fight around by pressing a button and get fully healed again. Maybe make it heal for 30% of her hp but not 100%

If your team is letting her get 5 stacks on multiple targets then you’re team isn’t playing well. You should be punished for clumping.

Rehgar’s ult is a point and click. Sure timing is required, but Qhira’s stack building is HEAVILY reliant on her Q, which is a skill shot, and repeated AAs.

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True but it’s not like you need to get a 5 man 5 stacks activation to get ancestral healed either.
5 stacks and 3 on someone else heals quite a lot and is not that hard to achieve.

Might be 30ish percent heal in that scenario, but that’s still fine since Qhira is melee. I wouldn’t say that’s not hard to achieve against a heads-up team though. Only if they have a heavy frontline maybe, but in that scenario Qhira should have to really worry about CC.

Really feel like her kit has interesting and adequate checks and balances for everything. Just wish they didn’t over nerf her W cuz the more viable builds the better.

OP isn’t really wrong. Most HOTS players are terrible at the game and so just assume a new hero is broken, even after harsh nerfs, because the hero is new and they haven’t yet learned how to properly deal with them as well as good players have.

Before the bug fix she was broken. Not super op, just broken. After that she was just over tunned. Now i think she needs something. Her kit as a whole is not that well thought out. She should not have been added.

W still has a 8 sec CD and does not consume marks that is pretty lenient compared to what illidan or imperius have.
Then there is the rest of her kit that does not pale in comparison from theirs far from it.
Playing the formers and then trying qhira does make her easy in comparison and i did not play the not “overnerfed” version.