and this is why they need to bring back hero league and do away with grouping in storm league. people who queu solo…are unfairly punished.
endless debate…has been going on for literally a decade on WoW forums about ‘premades’ so argue all you want. but it sucks…for solo queu people that there are groups in ranked now.
Then you should know the current system is sub-par. Sami, I still don’t know why you defend it. The problem is compounded by a low player population, but why act like we can’t have a better system? The mentor system alone is rage-inducing.
Here are my suggestions:
- Remove QM. Force people to understand drafting and pick/ban phases.
- Remove mentor system, or make it opt-in.
- Include solo-only mode for both unranked and ranked.
- Switch ranks to percentile-based system (maybe already in use, IDK)
Please specify where did I defended it by questioning the proof of the people who are doing the claim here, do I think the system is good? yes, but not from perfect, there’s certainly some loop holes to consider like smurfing and parties causing some one sided situations because coordination is more higher and people are less likely to tilt because they are more comfortable to play with others and much much more in the situation, like I dislike the matchmaking having a higher gap of two tiers to pick from instead of 1 as an example which scueds skills to some extent and causes to be a game of “targeting the weakest chain based on what is shown on your screen”.
But when I see people going “bro trust me I was there” then degrade to insults it speaks more volume on those who are trying to prove it being bad.
Oh yeah this is something that makes no sense to me, I actually hate this, it also scues games by itself I would really love to see it gone but considering the current state and population the chances of it being removed is very low to null.
This shld question the validity of ban/perma-ban when it’s the matchmaking that encourage rage in the first place.
The better you play, the worse your teammates will be.
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Seriously. It seems like this game is explicitly designed to turn people into toxic rage monsters. That coupled with the automated report system just ends up pushing out a lot of the actual competent playerbase who just can’t deal with the “Guide this special ed class to victory!” matchmaking.
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This gives me an interesting idea for the AI problem. What if a leaver or dropped player translates into a 25% buff for the remaining players? Getting someone AFK or who internet craps out every so often is almost entirely a lost game (in most instances because the handicap that comes with an AI hero starts from the beginning, not ten minutes in).
However, because the AI is a feedlot, what if that hero goes into stasis in the case that the player returns, but otherwise the remaining heroes get a 25% buff, some kind of increase to HP and Mana and abilities. That 25% represents the loss of a whole hero, and 4 bodies on a field against 5 is already often rough enough.
But this doesn’t exist in a vacuum. I get losses all the time because the comp is unbalanced, not about how the players choose to play (there is a lot of this too, to be fair).
So the 50% winrate punishes because, with a loss, the next round of players will be beneath the skill level of that previous game and getting out of a losing streak is not often about skill but that you’re constantly getting more and more stilted games.
A loss becomes more and more likely with each loss. And this, when I bring my A-game and it is constantly not my fault but I still get punished into the dirt, is the problem.
The MM and MMR are stilted in that they don’t take enough into consideration, and so they’re flawed entirely. Not just a little. MMR isn’t a bad thing, it’s just not aptly implemented because other mechanics are missing.
I think the other issue is that most players, and I’m generalizing but it’s a hunch, probably care less about a win or a loss if the match is good, exciting, etc… So when that fails, losing streaks become crushing rather than only a small part of a good game.
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