Please do something about the literally retarded A.I. for allied bots

firstly, [ALLIED A.I.]
they are pathetic. they walk around aimlessly, unable to decide what to do at any given time.
i ping them to follow me around and assist me, and literally all they do is stare at me from two feet away. they just stand there and watch me do things. if i release them, they walk off and most likely hearth because ‘they’ve been away from home for too long’.
whenever an objective comes up, the enemy bots assemble as if they are a conglomeration of 5 people with 1 mind, while allied bots sit around eating glue, blissfully unaware they are in any sort of competitive game.
speaking of which, why do allied bots always seem to start things and then give up half way through? merc camps, objectives, hearthing… they start, and then a butterfly catches their attention and they go do something else instead.

secondly, [ENEMY A.I.]
beginner enemy bots are fun, because they seem to have no sense of danger. actually they have no sense at all.
elite enemy bots either steamroll as a 5 man team, or spend their entire time running away from me, desperate to not engage until their ENTIRE team has joined up with them in the bushes. team fights are non-existent with allied bots on my team. pinging makes them BEGIN to head over to my position, but with the attention span of a goldfish, they soon forget i ever pinged in the first place and go back to eating glue. or hearthing. or hearthing to eat glue at home.
enemy elite bots must have some sort of clairvoyance, because they dodge my attacks and skillshots before they have even begun. this is terrible. it is ZERO fun for the bot to know what i am doing before i have even seen it happen. this is why beginner bots are more fun to play against than elites.
in fact, elite bots are the least fun to play against, because they either cheat, or try to play in the LEAST fun way for the player; 5v1 ganking, only doing merc camps, only doing objectives, or avoiding the player entirely. ESPECIALLY when trying to do my talent quests- it’s like they know i am trying to get hits on them, so they just change lanes. so many games i have been in a lane by myself for the majority of the playtime because bots refuse to engage me.

all of this makes the game really un-fun.

make it so the bots DON’T run away constantly or wander around aimlessly, CAN’T see the future but still learn from their encounters, are willing to act independently from each other sometimes and team up with each other or players other times WITHOUT having to ping them (hell, allow the bots to communicate with players and organise setups), and most of all, give them personalities that make them favour doing some things over others.


They have a biology major working on programming them full time, that is probably the extent of resources they’re willing to throw at AI at this point.

I’d expect AI improvements very slowly. The latest major change is that they will stay in base if not pinged, but I’m undecided if that’s better or worse. At least some bots do fairly well on their own (while others basically tower dive and suicide).

Go here and leave feedback for the Dev who is working on the AI: