Yea I know it’s quickmatch, stupid mode (I wish unranked had faster queues).
Heroes like dehaka (especially if you pick adaptation heroic), deathwing, leoric, yrel
When you play these heroes in quickmatch with no healer on your team and you’re the only frontline “tank” and facing the classic enemy quickmatch heroes (nova, li-ming, abathur, tracer, orphea, jaina, kael’thas, genji all extremely popular)
Your only contribution in teamfights is to run around (can’t hit anything btw, none of those heroes will let you land a single hit on them) and tank damage for your team
Blizzard if playing frontline heroes (without healer and without another tank) has to feel this bad in quickmatch, can we at least have the damage taken stat back so I can feel slightly better about myself having soaked more damage for the team than the rest of my team combined since I’m literally not contributing anything else to fights? It would encourage more people to play frontline heroes too which is always a good thing
What? Dehaka and Yrel are good in QM, I mean, they are better in draft but those are good heroes for QM, specially haka. If you want to have the real bad QM experience then play assassins. 5 assassins games are so hideous it should be forbbiden. Main tank Artanis can be really frustrating though.
Wait I play dehaka. I like playing the adaptation heroic.
Usual enemy quickmatch comp, Li-ming, Abathur, Tracer, Orphea and one bruiser maybe artanis (all of them extremely popular in qm)
The ONLY hero you can hit is artanis and while you hit artanis with your pitiful 0 damage (and help artanis to stack his level 1 quest), the tracer orphea and li-ming are shredding you without a healer to help you. In no universe can you ever hit li-ming, abathur or tracer. Maybe there’s a 1% chance you get to land 1-2 autos on orphea if the orphea misplays (but the orphea chomps you once and heals for 10x more than the dmg you dealt to her)
Can you please give me some tips on how that is supposed to be enjoyable? Because I just described every quickmatch game where I play adaptation dehaka
You can substitute those heroes I listed with the other qm classics, like Nova, Valla, Genji, Lunara etc. Won’t make a difference, you can’t land a single hit on any of them
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If you are playing alone obviously you’ll lose without landing anything. This is a team game. In a real scenario you have the assassins in your team to help you. Now tell me again your scenario, this time with your whole team.
Yea doesn’t matter just put any random 4 assassins on my team (usually none of them have any CC).
Nazeebo, Valla, Azmodan, Murky on my team if you like. Or Hanzo greymane cassia sylvanas. Whatever
Even if they have some CC like kael’thas, they can’t land their CC anyway because kael’thas CC is unreliable and is usually used as a follow-up to tanks (no tanks anywhere unfortunately)
There was one game the enemy team had a chromie with sandstorm. I didn’t really get to move that game 
I love playing dehaka with no healer. Just go adaptation and you outsubstain the enemy team
Tips (well frogsaron knows him better)
But try to only use your Q when you know you can hit. And try to avoid fights with no essence.
Your the tank but not a tank so be a great hunter and use your assassins as living bait for a good stun
Ya sometimes I don’t mind doing 0 damage just walking around tanking everything for my team (as you said, “outsustain the enemy team”).
I just wish blizz would return the damage taken stat since my ONLY contribution to the teamfight is intelligently creating space for the team by tanking enemy damage (not mindlessly tanking unnecessary damage of course).
In games like these, fat immobile frontliners will have massive damage taken and almost 0 hero damage dealt, I really don’t understand why blizzard removed the tank’s damage taken stat
Same dmg taken was great. I edited my comment a bit.
But I see them still as bruisers and in teamfights
You I am either taking the hits the team can kill.
And if im feeling confident about my skillshots I go for the silence and try to drag one and hope for the best.
And if my team cant do much I let them tank and try to flank
OP troll.
DW was mainly nerfed due to QM.
Dehaka is almost unkillable and Yrel is the most banned hero in high leagues…
I’d face Nova, Kael as Yrel any time.
And as Dehaka I am delighted when there is an Abat on enemy team.
The post literally says quickmatch.
I know u still salty about the nerf aba thread but forgive me and stop following me around xD
Yrel being banned in high leagues means she is quite strong, maybe borderline OP.
And playing her myself, I know what she can do and how much damage can she survive. So it doesnt matter if it is QM or not, that doesnt change the fact that she is strong.
Also, I am not salty. Obviously you have no idea what it means. Check it out on google.
You should get down from your horse. Who the hell would follow you? 
I usually reply on most threads, I dont care who made them, I wont rember all the users on a forum.
Entitled much, arent you?
You keep saying “immobile” yet you listed 3 of the most mobile bruisers in the game
Yrel can hop over walls. Leoric can ghost away. Dehaka can take enhanced agility at lvl 1 and become a race car. All 3 have ults that either help with their sustain or secure kills.
I also think they got rid of the damage taken stat for the infinitely more useful self healing stat
He wont hit any Drags or Isolations on the heroes OP mentioned though like Tracer, Genji, Zera and such. On the rare occassion the enemy team is full of these and you really can’t do much else as a bruiser except soak up their damage.
Then hope your other teammates manage to kill them or drive them away from an objective.
But, again… This is QM, so weird or unfavorable compositions are completely expected and normal. The enemy Tracer could just as well be running into a Taunt Varian, 3 tank comp where she can’t even make a dent into the opposing teams health pool.
You mean the useful self-healing stat that was already in the game before the removal of the damage taken stat?
Also lmao at infinitely more useful, you can pad the self-healing stat just as easily as damage taken stat (chen drink in front of towers, dehaka take useless damage and then heal and so on for every hero with self-sustain). That self-healing stat is the most useless stat in the whole game, you don’t even have another hero to compare it with to tell if you’re doing okay since every hero has different levels of self-sustain and you can’t compare it with previous games either because different maps.
And your understanding of dehaka seems very poor. In games with mobile heroes I listed you can almost never hit your drag. What’s the point of taking the racecar build? So you can walk around fast with much less tankiness and do… what? Try to auto attack tracer with your movespeed? It’s far better to take the survivability talents, at least you’re slightly useful that way
I came into this thread to make fun of Azmodan players, and I’m disappointed.
I kinda like playing Arthas in QM.
Getting mixed in with people with your E on is sometimes good enough to get the mileage out of your presence.
If you facing a heavy spell damage team as Dehaka, go dark swarm build. Don’t even worry about autoattacks or grabs just dark swarm all day. Works really well against mages.
I dunno, I love playing Azmo in QM.
Playing Dehaka into a tank build means I can pop into a bush near an ally, glomp an enemy with my tongue and bring them back to my ally for some sewious cuddwes, uwu.
I’m the first to say pugs suck but I’ve never had that issue on Dehaka. When you stun and walk an enemy toward allies, 99.999% of players know exactly what to do with it.
Chances are, if you have that problem you’re asking players to follow you rather than following them, which is the far less difficult option given the state of players.
You think this is bad?
Lol go play solo melee zeratul or solo melee illidan with 4 ranged baddies who stay at max range throwing useless poke because they are afraid to step forward with you when you try plays because they are scared their precious lifebar is going to lower.