Not entirely. When you play TLV, sometimes you’ll split them, sometimes you 'll group them. But if killing grouped TLV, (Or just getting three kills on them) was worth three times the amount of other heroes. It would be unbalanced. People would never want to play them, and would easily notice that ,in QM for example, when you have TLV on your team, you end up losing. “Play Again” would become a horrible heroic.
They could have modified stacks gotten from these heroes, but they chose not to.
For Murky specifically, youll find that a Butcher has a very Hard time killing a hero with invulnerable on demand. So if you got less stacks for him, it would just make the game harder for The Butcher. Butcher has a high win rate against Murky at lower levels, but as you go up, his win rate becomes negative.
But do they in fact get overinflated stack amounts? LIke I said, you can’t always be exactly where those heroes die. Especially TLV.
It’s not just “Some friendly hero” If you play against Murky or TLV, and you have a Butcher on your team, it won’t do him any good unless he’s there everytime they die. If he only gets stacks during team fights , it’s no different than any ther hero. If TLV have 8 deaths in a game, The Butcher will not get 8 deaths worth of stacks. He can’t be on every lane at once.
I also disagree that Murky is designed to die otfen. It’s just inexperienced players think he’s supposed to die, and that his deaths don’t matter.
Again, XP is always gained no matter what. Stacks are only gained if the stacking hero is present. I feel it’s competely different. Stacks can be denied, you can’t deny XP from a death.
-Artanis is not used very much, and “Protector of Aiur” is not a very good talent. Despite the talent being the most popular, it doesn’t win more than the other two. Believe it or not, “Reactive Parry” actually has the highest win rate. So it hardly needs an indirect nerf.
-Falstad’s most used build is Q build, with 65% popularity. “Frequent Fliyer” is only used 15% of the time.
Diablo’s souls have never been problematic. They’re actually often a drawback because it causes Diablo to become weaker late game when he comes back with no souls. Which is why it was buffed last patch that he gets 25 souls on respawn. So no problem here.
So that only leaves Alarak, but he loses everything on death no matter how fast he gets stacked.