Nobody likes Escape from Braxis

Look guys ARAM isn’t the only brawl that exists and considered popular, I know shocking, a lot of people like these PVE brawls.


I beat it first try with randoms. We didn’t even try that hard in terms of our hero picks except for one guy who picked Xul. Our comp was as follows. I didn’t spend much time looking at other’s talents, so they won’t be very detailed.

Blaze (me, new habits for cdr, oil dispersal, incinerator gauntlets, combustion, fuel leak, heat treatment, burn notice, though upsgraded combustion might have been better)

Xul (cursed strikes build, poison nova)

Alex (W build, though I remember she went exuberance at 4 for some reason. Lifebinder)

Artanis (don’t remember anything about his build. Went suppression pulse, which was suprisingly useful. It one shots the explodey dudes during boss phase. Also good for eggs)

Gul’dan (this guy was kind of bad. Went RoD. Picked echoed corruption but never got it stacked. Died the most, didn’t work with us very well)

The only things we coordinated were killing abathur and focusing the same elite spawner during the boss phase, because our Alex said she lost the past several runs to that. Our Gul’dan focused the wrong one, but we did fine. I hope this was helpful.

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In the old forums. posts like these would have at LEAST 50 downvotes.

But instead, such an ignorant post has 3 likes!

Silly carebear forums.


AI players might like it.

I tried the easy difficulty one. It’s boring and I will never play it again. This one sounds way harder and obviously more ‘fun’ with pugs playing stupid heroes.

Easy skip.

People usually die to AoE damage pretty much same in WoW dungeons. Tried 2 times today both was same, wiped at 2nd phase to banelings around zagara.

I also enjoy it. Would enjoy it even more if there were enough people who knew what they’re doing.

to the people who like this brawl: have you ever played a “real” pve game? how can this repetitive garbage of 5min gameplay be fun?

2 weeks of this is too much. they need to change the brawls more often.

also the normal version is waaay to easy and the hardcore brawl is basically hoping that you team does not pick trash.

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You can complete it. Just have to pick proper composition.

Ah, this okay dude. I saw someone want to give some pants to whitemane… That topic would be overdisliked.

Lol you misunderstand. I don’t mean it in a “this is too hard” kind of way. I mean it in a “my teammates are complete potatoes” kind of way.


It’s like campaign.
Fun the first time, but I don’t want to do it 6 times in a row.

It needs some kind of randomized modifiers maybe to keep things different each time, or just require us to play through it only once to get the chest.
I don’t hate it, but the other brawls are more fun to do multiple times.

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I like it as well

Add a reward to it- make brawls worth as much as fighting a QM game and I wouldn’t mind it.

Also, make it so a loss counts as 1/5th of a win, so that those that hate this f’d up POS can at least be done with it after an hour or two like they can with any other brawl.

If nobody likes it, how come I hear about 5-10 minute queue times for QM, Unranked and TL/HL, but for either incarnation of this Brawl my longest queue time has been ~25 seconds.

It kinda feels like some people overestimate how popular those PvP modes are.

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my only issue with the PVE brawl is that it means that we haven’t had ARAM in THREE WEEKS.

I have never experienced queue times like that in QM, HL, or TL.
3 minutes, on rare exception, but usually only 25-50 seconds

The heroic version only requires one completion for the chest.

eh, I liek it.
(unnesesary line to get the minimum characters needed to post).

The Heroic Version is too difficult and the normal difficult is too easy. I wish there was a happy middle ground.

Other than that, I do enjoy the PvE content and wish there were different ones

Then I am the nobody, just wonder why the PVE brawl never bring back. I hate the stupid single line brawl.

Sir, do you mind observing when the last reply to this thread was?