No XP from brawls

Greetings. I’m having an issue getting no experience from Brawls. It’s always stuck on ‘‘Waiting for game result’’ a while with no results whatsoever. I tried restarting game / reloading logs ETC but nothing helps. Any idea how to fix it?

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I believe you get both the gold and hero experience but it is not properly displayed, because for some reason some of the brawl maps don’t allow access to the score screen post game. Some of these brawl maps don’t even generate a replay after the match has ended.

This is a larger issue in a sense that you can’t even report, interact or find other people from the match after the game even after trying to whisper them by typing first letters of their name, which is a standard function and the game usually offers full names of recent players in a suggestion box.

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You’re right about these features, none of them are available. Yet I double checked XP/Gold gain and Im 100% sure Im getting no gold no experience, even after waiting for a bit after the match. I compared the amount of gold I had before starting the matches and after 5 brawls the amount was same. Tracking XP might be tricky since you can’t predict the hero you will be playing but I had two Ana picks in a row and her total XP was the same.

you do get them. Every time I’ve kept track I’ve received them, including getting loot chests despite it being stuck at the ending screen.

Some brawl maps don’t correctly spawn the end screen, this is a known issue which seems to be very deep rooted (or considered very low priority).

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It doesn’t work.
I played a match with Junkrat, and it shows 0 xp. Was a 35 minute victory.

(Played another and it still shows 0 xp.)

Also, 3/3 failed to retrieve game results.

I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
I’m waiting for game results

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