*News: "Disney Investor Thinks Company Should Buy Activision Blizzard". What would happen to HotS if Disney buys Activision Blizzard?

AHEM we don’t say that in polite conversation!
we say “them who must not be named” XD
they’re the Voldemort of the gaming industry,
too wicked and terrible to mention.
(though activision are certainly competing with them at the moment!)


if they buy i hope will not end like star wars :smiley:


Well, all what Electronic Arts wanted is to give us sense of pride of accomplishment for unlocking different heroes.


Disney has a habit of buying people and saying “you guys just keep doing what works, but with a Disney budget.”

If anything, disney buying actibilzzard could be a good thing, because it may allow Blizzard to go back to the old “quality and fun above all” model.


Things EA and ActiBlizz have in common:

  • Mistreating employees
  • Predatory Loot boxes
  • Ruining great franchises
  • Abysmal customer service
  • Falling stock prices
  • Out of touch CEOs

This notion that ActiBlizz is good while EA bad is laughable. They are both terrible and as the years go by they are both detrimental to the gaming industry as a whole.


This is so true, and so damn sad.

Blizzard used to be the exception in the game industry. They where the one publisher that you knew would make quality games, ofc they made a profit they are a company, but unlike most others their primary goal was to make good quality games for the players, not to rake in as absolutely as big a pile of cash as possible. Activision, like Grima Wormtongue, is sucking the life out of Blizz, taking their good name and reputation and destroying it. They’ve taken that priority of quality product over maximum profits and flipped them upside down, and it shows, as the quality of products decline and predatory practices like loot boxes and micro transactions skyrocket.


Mickey trait : defying physics!
Mickey hears will always rotate on their own in order to always face the enemy and blocking extra damage !

But seriously , has anyone ever looked at mickeys hears ? Those things completely defy all logic and physics .
They are somehow able to change angle on his head and always face the same dirrection REGARDLESS WHERE HE IS LOOKING !!!

Its like your hears would remain paralel to your shoulders and at the same height at all time even if you were to look up , down left , right , or doing circles woth your head !! Forget magnet ! How do those hears work !?!

Just watch a few clips and you will never unsee this again lol

They would make a hots trilogy and fail hard with it.Sounds familiar?

I actually like what Disney did with Star Wars 7 and had a bit of concerns with Star Wars 8 ~~and then the Solo film restored my faith a little.

On the surface, Activision doesn’t work that differently from modern day Disney~but at least the latter respects the originals to an extent.

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“investor” doesn’t mean anything unless they own a significant portion of the company’s shares.

It could be the only way to save a company for a future 3-5 years.Then Disney will get a blow aswell.

News: “HotS player thinks country should exempt him from taxes”

This Blizzney thing could be a good thing atm.
Disney have money, so financial part of the problem could be solved. (maybe extend dev team and make Hots rise like phoenix :slight_smile: )

Plus some Disney themed skins could come (Storm trooper Raynor ie. :smiley: )

But on the other side…Disney did some very atrocious thing to frenchises they bought…
but still make money from them :slight_smile:

So my thoughts about this: If it’s true, and if it will happen, than im a bit worried, but also happy a little bit :slight_smile:


:relieved: Darth Vader Arthas, Jedi Genji, Daenerys Alexstrasza~~

actually, you know what, HBO should buy Blizzard

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This game took a horrible turn when OW characters and a made up loli were added. I didn’t think it could get much worse but throw in some Disney characters and this game will have sunk to a low I never thought possible.

While i would be extremely against non Blizz characters, the sheer amount of skins possible would already be insane.


I think people need to pay better attention to what is actually “new” news instead of repeating this “zomg, what if company buys blizzard IPs” that comes and goes in the investor cycles.

Various ‘investors’ have been recommending stuff like disney and apple acquire activision/blizzard since at least 2014.

They see these groups have large amounts of collected assets, and their ‘recommendation’ is pour that into some other group and people eat that clickbait crap up time and again which is part of why no-name this that or another even bothers to try to report these sort of ‘recommendations’.

Heck, the initial recommendation for this year wasn’t even in july, but if someone keeps repeating that article, apparently it’ll eventually get to be viral -,-


Wow, my Self-Destruct Build is very similar, but with GG, WP at 16, The Nuclear Option at 7, and MEKA-Fall at 20.

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While I agree people tend to overreact to potential news, I don’t think there is anything wrong with simply sharing HoTS related news on HoTS forum. There are plenty of people who may have not heard this news even if it was old and I would guess most people come here to find something interesting or they wouldn’t come at all.

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You know I honestly would not mind if we had Black Ops characters added to HOTS, the old crew from the Zombies campaign Dempsey and the crew would have had some hillariously awesome character interactions with HOTS not gonna lie.