New hero is absurdly OP

Well rip lighthearted atmosphere.

theres more but that would be a long list…
They were all either well revived right on launch or underpowered

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The only “truth” in it is only 2nd, because players just bad at playing against new hero.

Mei? Blaze? Ktz? Qhira? (Yes, they actually nerfed only 1 talent and buffed few others)

Um, nerfed? They nerfed only 1 talent to buff her others.

That’s why she is worse than Johanna/ETC and other strong tanks.

It’s not Blizzard’s fault that he is op. Players were crying that they killed him, but guess what? He wasn’t dead at all. Blizzard buffed him as community asked, but guess what? He was strong after rework, so now their “players” crying about him being OP.

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Oh please. New Hero is useless. Sure, they can do some neat tricks, but they lack so many important things in return. You can never fit them into a good comp.


Pogchamp ASHEbringer xd


Waterlong is OP pls nerf his thread.


Remember this ?
I think it could be fitting for whats incoming :joy:


I can’t believe Ion Hazzikostas is the new hero, who would have thought?

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Mei was flat out worse than ETC and Jo.

He got buffed after release.



I just checked hots logs and theres literly 0 games uploaded. Noone even wants to play new hero hes so weak.

[Heroic 1] is overturned and a must pick compared to [Heroic 2]. They’ll surely nerf [Heroic 1] that’s way too busted atm and maybe buff [Heroic 2] to compete.

[Hero]’s design is game breaking: he makes [Older hero whom he happens to counter] horrible and [hero with a slightly similar kit] obsolete

Why would you make him out sustain everyone with such dmg… Doesn’t make any sense… I solo’d 3 people with 4 levels behind

it would be hilarious if hogger was ACTUALLY OP in everyone’s view this time unlike previous heroes where it was always a mixed review.

like… BROKEN broken. “more than ming or maiev release” broken

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Because they want you to BUY the hero with IRL money.

If the hero wasn’t OP, you’re less likely to buy it. You don’t live in America, do you?

Interesting thread to necro but you might want to check the new hero before you say that. I would hardly call hogger op. His clear on maps like Infernal Shrines can be cancer but he is no way busted enough for free wins.

Sarcasm successfully dodged.


Do they? If you are a passionate player you could easily collect enough gold for the new hero without spending a dim, so your logic fails here.

yeah, im approaching 100k gold on my acc : p

How do you people not buy all the heroes!

No i dont but that has nothing to do with the topic. Also you dont even have to spend a single dollar/euro on this game as doing daily quests everyday gives you enough gold to buy the hero.