New Collection Item Bug

New items notification in your collections shows up in the wrong tab (tab -1). It’s been months and it’s literally the easiest fix. Can you fix this please? Or send me the game code and I’ll debug it for you.


The fact it has been reported so much and not fixed for so long might mean that there is a UI rework coming soon? In any case I can confirm this issue. The first few tabs on the left are not effected, but then the bug starts up to the stage that the one section can be overlaid with 2 numbers.

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Hey Everyone,

Thanks for the continued reports on this. We have this tracked, and hope to have a fix in as soon as we can.

Thank you,
~ Fizivix

Oohhhh like blizzcon UI reveal! New role assignments? Matchmaking fixes? Loss of placements and introduction of an only MMR based system :smiley:

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