Nerf needed heroes get boost!WHY?

What the hell is Blizzard thinking?
Why are they boosting heroes which needs to be nerfed and nerfing heroes which need to be boosted.
They do not know what is going on in the game?

And stop moving talents!

No idea what you’re talking about.

For real.


i know that feel bro. i also feel an injustice at seeing those qhira buffs.

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They buffed Qhira seriously.
I mean I have run into a few in games recently.
She did not seem weak in the slightest.
That sword whip out she has is pretty insane.

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You are so correct, Rehgar is terrible, the Devs need to keep buffing him, he’s just trash! :wink:

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Qhira was underperforming in ranked games, I don’t feel bad she got buffed a bit.


It just bugs me when any hero can dish-out that much damage, then as kind of an afterthought, self-heal for 50% of their health. So I can see where the complaint comes from.

True, but at least in Ranked games people already got quite good at baiting her revolving sweep and getting her into unfavorable positions.

They nerfed my Tracer :frowning:


Maybe tell us which heroes you talk about for a start.


Frogsaron uwu, how are you?

I’m good :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :dizzy:

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Because the devs that are left literally have no idea how the game works. Otherwise they would not make poison or bleed damage cause towers to attack you.

Qhira literally lost all her ability to push. Even when your full team is there, 5 million minions, YOU still get targeted because god knows who has a lv 1 bleeding on him. You literally have to stand behind your team and do nothing, or you get nuked by towers.

That happens when you give a working thing to someone who has no idea what they are doing and tell them “just do whatever!”.

Bleed and poison don’t Aggro the towers anymore


I thought she was OP at first.
Then I learned to side-step her abilities and realized that she’s extremely easy to play against, and that she can’t do anything if she misses. She literally becomes a dud.

So yeah, buffs were justified, you just can’t play well to see how underwhelming she is.