Missing Heroic Deals Information?

Hi there :slight_smile:

I’m usually posting from the EU forum (and Reddit), but wanted to address the US Community Managers, as it seems they’re the ones in charge of the Blog Posts, and so on.

The norm has previously been that the information has been updated regularly at the EU Forums, in this thread (usually added the Friday before): https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/heroes/t/heroic-deals-thread/24

Mind you, this had been a thing since the Sales started, a little over 4 years ago.

After the change at February 12 (3 resets ago - when the Limited-Time Items started), the posts stopped there, to be (permanently, it seems) replaced by the Blog Posts (which had also been appearing semi-regularly before that).

The problem with those is that they - if posted - appear during the week, if they even do appear. Last week’s post, for instance, was published almost at the end of the week - but the blog post seemed to have been created on Tuesday.

So - what’s to expect in the future? Delayed / Missing information, or having to find it on your own in the game’s Collection?

The former is rather unfortunate, given the way that the Limited-Time Items work, if the intention is to announce the dates these are going to expire.

Threads for these specific type of info is nothing new here either

This same thread here has been updated 4 times in the past 5 months of it’s existence compared to the one in the EU forums, so when it comes to receiving these heroic deals now lies on them going back to update these threads again.

I suppose what’s left in that case finding them in the game’s collection manually. :man_shrugging:

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Yeah, that’s - sadly - what I think is going to happen as well.

It’s even more unfortunate with the new Limited-Time Items, if the expiry date is something that should be communicated - unless that’s going to happen in patch notes?

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