MetaMadness on now btw,

It’s on. (Edit: it will be on Youtube later)

Towers of doom makes for the best games :slight_smile:
Oh and the pre banned heroes were:

1. Abathur
2. Anubarak
3. Diablo
4. Garrosh
5. Genji
6. Hanzo
7. Maiev
8. Tracer
9. Hammer
10. Tyrande
11 Zeratul


Watching HoTS can actually be entertaining in this format. I´m quite impressed.

Im actually interested to see just for the tanks lol.
ETC/Muradin meta, so >2017.

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One of the games i have seen had Uther vs Blaze as frontline. Everything else could not be picked or was banned.

Sounds silly. I love it.

I guess this time name of the event makes sense cough “Nut”.

It’s a pretty fun tournament, I love it.

For those who don’t how it works: there are 11 pre banned heroes (you can find them in the first post), every series is a Bo5 and the bans from each map carry over to the next ones. If the series goes to map 5, there is 35 heroes banned + 6 from the map 5 :smile:


Cause ToD is exempt from the XP changes of 2019. That should tell us something.



Actually, ETC has been picked a fair bit recently.

Some1 tell DrLogan that they just picked Tassadar in the Grand Final.

I mean, Tassadar was always used a lot in high/pro level.

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