Memes of the Storm

Whaaaat, you have a secret discord everyone should totally join?

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There are no secrets to you.

Everyone knows that.

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SL in nutshell (master edition)

Report system in nutshell



TT combo in nutshell


I had to actually see if this pic was real. CG is ruined, holy Sh***! I mean wow. They are hideous! It’s as if they got the Nickelodeon treatment.


Can you elaborate? You mean the WoW model?

Yeah the WoW model is just plain ugly. The phrase, “What were they thinking?!” comes to mind.

Edit: The one on the bottom specifically.

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I mean, a lot of WoW models aren’t actually as impressive as their HotS models, but that’s what you get when the main attraction of WoW isn’t the graphics and animations, but the grindy piano-keyboard playstyle. If the story weren’t at least halfway interesting, there’s no way I would even bother watching Youtube story videos of it.

Of course, the cutscenes are still top-level quality, literally the best in the entire AAA industry, but yeah. Don’t play the actual game with high expectations for the in-game graphics.

I think they created his model that way because Cho’Gall wasn’t supposed to win any beauty contests. That would just be OP.

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Over time, wow managed to appeal to a wide variety of players, simply because there is
It’s easy to boil down its players to nolifes and China farmers, but the thing is, there are some activities that don’t quite require endless grinding for all eternity. Of course, being the MMO that it is, grinding to a certain degree is required, but nowhere near as bad as in its beginnings.
Which is the reason why wow never truly died. There are so many things to do that you can relax from wow within wow. I’ve had friends that decided to take a break from raiding by fishing. Take a break from mint collecting by doing professions. Sit in a capital and just chat. Create secondaries. Pull low players through somewhere.

And yet he almost does Kappa


that model there is for c’thun-corrupted cho’gall; he’s supposed to be uglier than usual. (note the extra eyes on the body)

Have you seen the original photo in the link? That is scary

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No I haven’t. I’ll look.

Edit: The original looks way better, and it was a mistake to recreate CG to it’s current look.

The HOTS models look great, for sure.

I agree, but the original model looks much better than the redesign. I can probably bet that they wanted a “unique” look for CG, since CG happens to be an important character. They failed here.

Totally understand that models aren’t supposed to look fantastic for WoW, it was by design. This makes it a bit more accessible for players and their PC’s

You can make something look ugly on purpose and it looks good. This looks goofy like a cartoon character. I suppose I meant by “ugly” that I’m comparing it to the original. Where the original looks good “ugly”, while the recreation, is just plain ugly.

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One hour of editing did its job.


Now we need a meme for Auriels who only reds themselves

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I see Mercy, not auriel.