Memes of the Storm

You haven’t seen my true memepower. When samisha will say yes to me, i’ll make the real dank memes.
He didn’t join to the dark side yet. But he will soon.

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He’s dank by himself.

do you let me making a lot of meme about you? I don’t have idea yet, but on the weekeend i’ll try out some.

If memes will be good, I’m in.

I need to make one again

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If I wasnt on mobile I would have photoshopped tass face on patrick


Actually it’s better. Patrick face shows how I look on most people’s eyes.

Of all the heroes that are claimed underpowered the malthael ones suprise me the most

It’s because he was way better before his rework and actually overpowered when launched
Ah sweet memories when you used tormented souls and everything around you simply died hehe

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I don’t have any good meme idea for now. I’ll try a few. Shall i show it on discord chat first? Or instatly can i share it here?

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There are 3 kinds of people when it comes to arguing over the Malthael rework:

  1. The people who say Malthael is worthless now.
  2. The people who say Malthael was completely OP before his rework.
  3. The people who recognize that Malthael is about as balanced as before his rework and instead argue over his playstyle.

The first 2 are annoying because they either clearly don’t know what they’re talking about or do and are intentionally grossly overexaggerating.

Yeah, 20 physical armor and 75 spell armor or 65 physical armor and 20 spell armor made him practically unkillable. This kind of thing is exactly why they removed armor stacking and nerfed TS and Ethereal Existence so much.


Do what you want.

And the police will follow.

Just a heads up.

He was ! His single target dmg was too strong. Changes were justified (And yes this is comming from a player who loved old him) I now still like him but pick him more carefully


~50-51% winrate.

His single target damage was fine. The rework was an attempt to address his total lack of build and ult diversity, not his damage output.

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61% overal, 52% qm and 75% in ranked here
QM is a place full of Li mings and other squichys while your expected to iniciate the fight so I mentioned overal stats ;p

lmao. This is the typical girlfriend advice.
Me: Can i go out with my friends drinking a beer or shall i be with you, honey?

oh logan. I didn’t know we have this kind of relationship.


Stolen, not mine.


TBH NA has issues also understanding anyone outside of US, including Canada. :confused:


Tu ne parle pas le français canadien, eh?