Let's talk QM - AKA how QM ruins the game for players and devs

I find vs AI being so popular to be kinda surprising too because there’s only so much a computer can do as opposition to human players and figure it must get boring after a while

That could be the case but they’ve done so much to try to get people to play the draft modes and for the most part people just aren’t biting. They give extra XP, you don’t have to play specific classes or franchises to complete quests if you’re in those modes, you get special portraits, they give you free mounts if you play enough storm league but people just aren’t that into it in this game.

I’m almost exclusively a QM player myself and I try to think sometimes what it would take for me to want to play storm league and I honestly don’t think I could name one that would ever get considered that’s how unappealing I find that mode. I spend a fair bit of time here and I know this is a small sample size but the storm league players seem, for the most part, like a deeply unpleasant lot. I’ve seen so many threads about people getting reported or banned in storm league because they said anything at all in chat or because they genuinely deserve to be banned, or use smurfs. It just doesn’t seem worth it to me. Losing always sucks but it is so much worse when you lose and are reading some jerk ripping everyone else apart while losing. QM has some people that are super serious and get mad and lash out at their team when things go poorly but much more often I find people are good sports and if you lose you lose and still say GG at the end of the match.

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Why would you request a barrier for entry? If any, it should be there for ranked.

It never fails to amuse me to read that some players want a draft tutorial made by Blizzard put into the game. There are so many different approaches to drafting strategies, so many variables. Everyone would go absolutely bananas over an official tutorial because it does not cover their idea how drafting should go.

Haters will say that you are the reason this gaem is ded.

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You should be at least a specific level on a character to play with other human beings. I would say level 5 at minimum. At least then if you have played vs AI for 5 levels, you would have a basic understanding of how the characters skills work.

Especially now that Tracer has ruined it