Lets get rid of Attack Speed Artanis

One of the players who does play Artanis at the highest level, Liam30k as shown in the clip lucifer posted, almost always takes PB, so to claim that he “always does poorly” is incorrect. Sadly, he hasn’t uploaded an Artanis match in quite a while (he doesn’t upload the vast majority of his matches, so it’s no surprise), so I do not have access to anything recent.

In addition, if you filter Artanis’ stats to include Master/Diamond, and those who have him over level 15, he has a higher win rate with PB than TS.

So even with hard stats, PB is a decent talent. Better than TS.


Fair enough, but that’s just one aspect of his kit. You seem to be a bit tunnel visioning on that and ignoring his overall design there. Your overall concept of ‘one quick flurry’ is still about the opposite of current Artanis, which is way more about prolonged combat.

I also don’t really see how your concept would work well with his current trait. The whole ‘flurry and burst’ concept rather contradicts the ‘aa to reset shields’ gameplan after all. The current design gives you shields to stay in, and staying in gives you more shields in return. Going mainly for flurries ignores both of that. You don’t really need to stay in to flurry, and you don’t get more shields for staying in between flurries either.

Doesn’t that data confirm that Phase Bulwark is (doing) better than Triple Strike though? 47% might not sound good, but when the alternative is 45% for Triple Strike it’s still the better pick.

(Also what’s Artanis’s overall winrate with those numbers? You could say that PB does badly at 47%, but that could also just be Artanis doing badly overall, with PB doing its best to turn that trend.)

Phase bulwark is at 47.89% with 20.90% pick rate. TS is at 48.89% with 59.52% pick rate.

At what rank? At what hero level? I linked the filters I was using, as the argument was regarding high ranks. I am pretty sure that most low rank, level 5 Artanises aren’t successful with any talent.

I do like the idea of super fast slashes. But kind of like how current triple strike increases CD by 1 second, it may need to reduce cooldown reduction for his shield.

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Stop picking Artanis for AA.
Embrace Suicide Swapping.


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Oh please don’t suicide swap…
I think because of suicide swaps, people don’t even know that Q contributes large cdr to his trait…

I should make it clear since I don’t want this thread to devolve into a “this talent vs that talent” issue.

I’m not saying triple strike is better than PB. I’m using triple strike as an example of how it already is part of Artanis’s existing kit.

Not going to lie, playing Kharazim with Way of 100 fists is crazy fun…

… but Kharazim with laser swords for hands!!?

Eerrrrmaaahgawwd awesome sauce.

From a aesthetics point of view, hitting twice (or three times) in quick succession already feels pretty amazing. I love when you press W before combat causing Artanis to drop his swords like that zealot in the LOTV cinematic whilst making that cool voomp noise. It’s game on time.

Personally, instead of lots of little attacks I’d prefer that twin strike just hit harder. I didn’t like how some of Titan Killer’s power got transferred into his normal attacks.

Also, i wish Follow Through could stack 2 or 3 times. I’d love for Art to Q, E then burn his follow through stacks on his next W. I’m cool if the 40% bonus damage got nerfed to compensate for its ability to stack.

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He would become much squishier by having a lot less AA throughput to reset his shield.

You can make it similar throughput, let me give an example:

Let’s assume Artanis attacks every 1.1 seconds (I forget his specific swing timer). To simplify, we’re going to assume Artanis initiates with Twin Blades, and not basic attack.

His 1.1 second attack timer will look something like this:
2 strikes - 1 S - 1 S - 1S - 2 S = 7 strikes.

If we increase the number of attacks by 70% (his attack speed boosts) that comes to:
2 Strikes - 1 S - 1S - 1S - 1S - 1S - 2S = 9 strikes.


If we increase his swing timer to 2.2 seconds:
3 strikes - 1 S - 3 S = 7 strikes.

If we increase the number of instant attacks by 1:
4 strikes - 1 S - 4 S = 9 strikes.

Now obviously this math is a small segment and overly simplified. But it’s a proof of concept that you can keep a similar number of attacks.