Let's create a team right here. (Storm league)

Central United States

Added you.

20 chars.

This post still Active >? If so Looking to get back to playing Only looking for Team play tho .

I’m still here. Which Server are you on?

Add me


20 additions.

i am silver 5/4, i usually play tank.

I’ll add you as soon as it lets me. My “Send request” button is no longer responding.

Trying to team up.
Stads5 #1784

Silver 3 Here. Healer/Ranged Assassin.

Ok, some of the usernames had typos that’s whay it wasn’t working.

There can’t be any spaces, and the “#” has to be before the numbers

Dsmal#1677 US PST


Add me very keen. Gold 3 at the moment. Want to climb on US West please (bad lag from Australia on Central US). FitzChivalry#11624

Where i can find Asia server teammate?

Does anybody know why Blizzard never release network indicator to user?

ggs :slight_smile: …

add me I am gold too Demiax 1668, love your rules I am EST time

Added. Will be playing this evening and all week end.

I can agree with the most points as silver, but some I can’t because it’s based on my experience:

  1. if you start a camp, when your team needs you, drop it
    Can’t do this, because I know my team starting usually stupid brawls at my rank and I don’t support brawling all day.

  2. Attacking tanks target
    When the tank focus useful targets and we can make progress to kill it, of course, but if it’s ends to be ineffective, no. And no attacking tank is not always effective at all.

Otherwise I would agree and play with you, when I would be an NA player, but I play in EU. NA would probably be too laggy for me.