Leaver status bug?

I was in draft for ranked. All of a sudden draft ended and i got leaver status. Strange, Need to win 3 quick matches ( which is around an hour of gametime) and played ( and lost) 3 already. so at best i lose 2 hours doing something i do not want to do all to get rid of leaver status which i should not have. I need to leave soon and hope the devs somehow can delete the leaver status for me?

5 losses now. last match alone we had 1 feeder throwing herself against the walls and 2 afkers who kept logging in and out…

i lose 2 hours doing something i do not want to do all to get rid of leaver status which i should not have. I need to leave soon and hope the devs somehow can delete the leaver status for me? EDIT:
5 losses now

I read the post twice and still can’t figure out the alleged bug.

Losing leaver matches is not a bug.

You also don’t start at 3 leaver games, that is near the maximum of 4. It starts at 0, meaning you only lose 500 points.

It then escalates to 1 game, 2 , 3, 4, and drops lower as you play more and more games without disconnecting or exiting drafts.

I get leaver status while not leaving a game. thats the bug. The consequences are what i am ranting about. Forced to play 3 games and therefore need to invest over an hour of gameplay as a punishment for something i did not do. losing 3 matches because rising it up to 2 + hours of doing something you dont like because of a bug is what ticks me off

Leaver Bug, really sucks at the moment!
