Junkrat is less fun

Junkrat used to be fun.
Now he is boring.
I will note the fun parts from before followed by the boring changes.

  1. Fun Boom pow at level 20 after 19 levels of 12 second cd.
    Boring Boom pow at level 4, no anticipation.

  2. Fun Boom pow reduces the cd to 4 seconds, mine all the things.
    Boring cd is 50% longer than previous reduction.

  3. Fun boom pow is a fun alternative to good level 20 talents.
    Boring never pick boom pow talent at level 4.

  4. Fun enjoy trying to hit telegraphed attacks.
    Boring you are close range, and you are bad if you miss.

  5. Fun unique ranged telegraphed attacks
    Boring mundane general ranged assassin

  6. Fun damage is derived from your skill with telegraphed attacks.
    Boring damage is derived from your clunky damage buff mechanics fickling.

But far more obnoxious, which will make even more players leave. The devs are still trying their best to kill the game to be reassigned somewhere else. They’re doing a great job at it, too.

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Your type of fun is pretty subjective, they really did make his talent tree more interesting than it used to be before the rework.


One of the best reworks so far for sure.

Good thing the game is not balanced around 1 person idea of fun.


If it was this game would have died a long time ago. :confused:

junkrat play died

his play rate is less than half…

As an old junkrat main yes, he’s lame now. Trap build being the best just blows. I hate it so much having damage locked behind landing a w that can screw your team more than help, or a trap that enemies have to walk into. Sure you can get chittering… At the cost of the q quest talent.

Before he could have both. So q build is dead now. I want q build buffed and trap build nerfed. It’s so horrible

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Overall, I’d say he’s better design, but the numbers aren’t there. They made traps viable, but it’s neck and neck with grenade build in popularity and winrate. But the base numbers are just too low.

I will grant, boom pow does suck. It’s not good enough for what’s otherwise a defining talent tier.

you will have to explain the xul comment to me

Nice necro…

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Bumping threads that no one has posted in is against the forum rules, and is called a “Necro”. So when you suddenly Necro multiple threads at the same time, you are a “Necromancer”. Xul is the Necromancer in HotS, hence the Xul comment.

The important thing you should take from this little lesson is that “Bumping threads is against the forum rules!”