Is Imperius gonna be the last new hero for awhile?

Dud, can you sight your sources already please?

check the video provided in my comment, after the one you replied to.
(You need to extend the quote to see the vid)

Multiple people have noted that they’re hiring specific people for HotS.

This is what happened:

Crappy Leadership: “We’re cancelling HGC and moving a handful of people to other teams.”

Community: “Oh shhhhiiii! This game is dead!”

HotS Team: “No… the experienced devs and upper management are stayi…”

Community: “There will never be heroes or balance patches, this game is going is dead for sure!”

HotS Team: “Here’s a balance patch and the next hero is Impe…”

Community: “DED DED DEDDDD!!111!!”


No the game will still live forever, because we will still play it :slight_smile:

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And you know why they are moved? because LoL is making garbage quality content yet people spends on it money. So why HotS team would put so much effort to produce quality content no one buys? They can easily cut the costs as they were paying more their artists than Riot is for sure.

Im pretty sure they stated in the content update that they have 2 hero and 2 rework patches (including Imperious) coming up and then they will have discuss the future then.

Going by that we’ll have the lunar event/rework patch in early feb, another hero in March, and then another set of reworks in April.

Edit: Yup here it is.

So likely by the end of April we’ll may get another change to the release schedual.

Personally I’d rather they go back to the old schedual: Heroes>Balance/Reworks>Maps>Cosmetics

The game is called heroes of the storm, so I feel that emphasis should go into the Heroes, the bread and butter of this game, the thing that keeps the interests. Then Balncing said new heroes when needed as well as reworking outliars, then new maps, another selling point for HoTs is it’s large variety in fight locations, balance those out when necesary. And then drop a few cosmetics where needed, during holiday events and reworks and/or major balancing changes.