Impossible to climb ladder anymore

If you did read carefuly about this calculated and colected stats based of your KDA % ratio of every 7 days…then you understand this protect or 10 placement games ,when start new season WOULD BE REMOVED and be based or correct your new “survive” 5 different lvls and you will be mayched with players wich had same lvl…that why doubt so.much you did read carefuly and understand whole idea!. And that why i ask you !..

If you think a lot and played my new game versione long time…then you would understand that…incresed ranked points + with your personal new “survive” 5 different lvls + if you try complete these new ranked quests wich are based of over 1000 win games (maybe many) and so hard for compelete it or achieve it these ranked quests and play long time new Hardcore mode + if you are not matched often in your all ranked games wich die often with more 10 deaths…then you start understand you would climp up and would be matched only with such player wich complete almost (avarage) everything same!. :wink: And then you would have high a chance for you won and games would be challenged ,depence a lot from you what you doing!. That why find,search all my replys,topics and read it carefuly and start think about them . And these your axamples are based of old game versione and NOT BE VALID for new game versione! . But you didnt think
and forget about that when write your reply at me!. :slight_smile: And when past this so long time maybe avarage 1 year or long time. Then maybe you would understand what is your thinking or logic mistakes(because I know perfectly well what the problem of our human race is when it is looking for its own mistakes and it is very difficult for one to understand or see for himself)…becuase i know either i can do also mistakes (depence a lot for what)…

in what game mode?

This is kind of the key thing.

If you mean Hero League… I disagree, based on my personal experience most matchups have been fair in terms of people skill, and won or lost in the draft.

But, my personal experience isn’t indicative of much (and neither is yours or almost anyone else’s).

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About 946 typos and trying to hijack a thread for starters.

Go make your own thread and see if someone likes it, i wont hunt your comments down on the forun and neither will anyone else.

And for the love of Cthulhu, stop posting your unreadable bad ideas on other threads.

Gl, Hf.

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My mom thinks I’m funny.


/disable sarcasm
/love Vision
This made me laugh, haha. I didn’t know Cthulhu is capable of love. Much to learn. :thinking:

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If you did read carefuly and think about numbers are not stack up or bad…and if you asked me that…“Whole idea is based of stack up and bad numbers stats?!”…then i would enswer at you this: " No,is not nothing about stack up and bad numbers stats. Whole idea for these “new survive lvls” are calculated and colected your KDA % ratio,only your death ratio is from matter and are calculated from all your games for 7 days,and after 7 days when be finaly calculated your KDA % ratio is transferet to these 5 different lvls and then you will be matched only with players wich had same lvl".but no you didnt understand me or ask me and you rush to think and these 20 achievements would gave you “+1” ranked (and will be increased ranked points and will be between 20 pointa)points depence from you what achievement you will do"…And im sorry ,was my mistake i didnt copy and paste my old or link whole idea for these". 5 different lvls". That is a lot different from current MM ,MMR idea! Then the game be a lot different and playerbase you will play only with avarage(similar) careful play players. Ill created new topic wich is uncluted my new and a lot better and improved ideas,mechanics,rewarded/punishment rules ,new ranked quests(wich can help a lot for how one player can improve his game skill),new Hardcore mode wich is a lot challenged and cuase extrime careful play and can be interesing. Im sorry one more time about i didnt copy and paste all mine ideas or link it. :slight_smile: Then all players can understand clearly and well my ideas. And problems is of high % peoples rush to think! :slight_smile:

Oh look, statistics i can affect by only playing safe and poking and getting assists and do nothing effective, also which a bad tank can affect when i play a squishy that needs peels to play effectively.

Oh look, a sample size small enough that my manipulations from 10 games make me look good in them.

Which is actually proven to work in theory and implementation but smurfs and MMR averaging break it in TL/Q because it wasnt meant for team games and actually works(kinda) even now.

Current system works well eniugh that there is a noticeable skill difference between ranks and baddies show up when they play heroes unknown to them

See you there.

@ Vision dude…and heh :smile: Brutalnot my friend whar you doing here in this forum?!:slight_smile: What’s my man?!:slight_smile: “gave me five”…

Vision…dude…i did read everything (his ideas,arguing wich other…so…on…so… on…)
I know very well this my friend Brutalnot and played so long time in EU server…
Vsion…he is right …alteast google it “MVP” and read a lot about that.
And Brutalnot is right this current system is so bad ,that we cant climp up.
With his new system ,players will climp and or be saparated from players wich do not do often these 6 much more important achievements,and can be matched together.
Vision i not have personaly at you…but…one advice dude…“Dont mess with my friend Brutalnot,because he can play like Grand Master,he is amaizing good in game!”…:slight_smile:

And one more advice dont fight vs him…he would beat you…I can assure you of that! :slight_smile:

Brutalnot my friend …2 questiones “Why you mess with this guy?!”…Let him pass or “fly in his path” :slight_smile: Not need spend your energy with such players like him! :slight_smile: And…“Why you mess with him,Dont you see he is under your xp and lvl?!” :slight_smile:

What are these incomprehensible posts doing here?

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It’s like blizzard is cooking up the matchmaking personally. Like I bet they’re like alright toss in a couple diamonds, sprinkle some plats in there, oh and a dash of silver to make this REALLY salty. Alright one fresh pile of dog crap matchmaking, enjoy.

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From the grammar and style they are either twins or the same guy.

The MVP award is given to the player who has the most stats ingame topped and the least deaths, thats how it works and can be manipulated by statpadding, he is wrong.

It is possible to climb ubless you are as good or worse than the average of your rank, instead of learning to play better and more heroes you blame the system because its easier.

If he could, he wouldnt be in Silver and lower and sub 50% wr, GMs there have 70-80% wr.

He can 1v1 me on any hero anyday in a custom match which i will upload later for all to see, and what comes to his arguments, he either cant spell them out or really thinks that the awards after a game tells something about the players skill, which it doesnt.

TL, UD and QM in a nutshell.

myahahahahaha : D i cant stop luagh muahahahaha you chear up me dude muahahahahha : D dude you rock…i never read befor such coocking joke mix with current MM muahahahaha : D
“gave me five”

Hey Vision …im his friend of Brutalnot again…and im not same person !You worng!

And Brutalnot want to try explain at you this:
All achievements like : MVP,Main Healer,Team assist kills,High XP,High streack kills, Escape Artist, High capuret objectives…and so …on…and so…on…
These achievements assist a lot for 1 won game as you know that very well… and his ideas is not about statspadding or be manipulated… with these achievements players will earn more ranked points ,with this way players will be saparated and can play together…these achievements are based of many factors…like how players avoid dmgs,how to move,how to posicioning well,when to attack,when to assist ,when to run back safe(to get with less deaths these achievements),what talent build to choose,what heroe,when to heal,when to go for obectives(bosses,camps), what human qualityes have one person,how much is game xp-ed from other games…THAT IS NOT stack stats,statspadding ,you worng what is game skill what is can be manipulated or cheated. Thats are a way different things. And of course like every game factor luck exist and that is normal. And his ideas is…if one player is high skilled would matched with sumilar players wich do almost same actions in game .And he talking about death % ratio will be calculated for 7 ingame days or this called " survive lvls" will be corrected for over 10 games ,depence how.many games player would choose to play in Ranked. There is NOTHING about stack stats or stats can be manipulated ,everything is game skill and game xp. And these achievements are a lot from.matter for won games. That why he suggests such ideas. You cant defite and saparate what mean game skill,cheating,manipulatione. Think about that dude…nothing personaly!:slight_smile: And from 3 years Blizzard fans "screaming " in both forums or warning this system is not for this game. Yes, is possible to climb up ,but with mirracle way or with high luck and low game skill. Think about that dude!:slight_smile:

Thats what Brutalnot would say if he hid behind 2 names and try to make his position and ideas look like they are supported.

Also that you say he is a good player but you have never played a game with him points to either you talking about what you have heard or something you dont know about.

If yiu are talking about the achievements that are in the game right now, the idea is dumb and flawed because all of them rely on staistics alone and nothing else.

Current achievement in the game only take into the account stats as with Main Healer, Combat medic, tank stats, silencer, MVP, painbringer.

They are all achievement yoi can get if you just statpad and shouldnt be used in Matchmaking ever.

They do not take into the account timing or positioning or shotcalling or talent builds.

Every master who plays in low ranks climb back to master consitently.

Youre wrong, it doesnt take luck or miracles, and it has been done so many times that claiming it takes luck or miracles is stupid and false

You havent climbed because youre unlucky, you havent climbed, because you are where you belong in silver/bronze.

And theres nothing wrong with that.

No Vision do you know how work this current MMR?! Play,play earn some achievements in same day or hour and be mix mash his achievemets and instant be matched with them. If player can correct his MMR for over 50 -60 games for 7 days ingame time or his only death ratio lvl…he will be matched then. Like in real life sports sportis training long time and then go on tournamets!.NOT with this moment fast,rush way…because players cant play with one same way every game…his achievements avarage. This a lot different!. And these achievements will I differentiate players wich are a way bad and that why Personal Achievement or Points Match Macking must be bring back( PAMM). Because players are affected from many humans factors and xp,skill,real life stuffs. …If.i corrent understand his ideas of course… think about that…:slight_smile:

Ok Brutalnot

Reason they took PBMM out was that it was based on statistics so statpadding was encouraged and good play was punished.

Same reason it wont return, they cant make a performance measurement that isnt about statistics.

Reason they took down PBMM was because it was bugged as hell and reason behind first time, 0-10 placement 1k masters. Placements were the reason, nothing else.

GMs actually tried it out, they statpadded and played some games and got extra performance points and after they played like they did normally and got negative adjustments.

The random placements were just a bonus to throw some players around and mess up the ladder.

Is broken his current placement 10 games why are low games. A Brutalnot idea is players would be matched after many games ,depence how many games will play one player. If i understand all his ideas correctly ,he suggest many different ideas and rules,mechanics,new modes,new ranked quests…from long time ago…i talk with him from time by time in games when we play together. His ideas are NOT added NEVER befor that. I know him very well ,he is so smart guy, a lot improved like human,his mind think so fast like none human befor cross check with many ppls. He play from so many years,he know what are big mistakes of the games,what is the best for one game,i swear in god this guy is gunuis ,because i cross check with many ppls and his friends.He had insane game xp! He is like something " God of the games"…i joke of course… i a little exaggerate :slight_smile:

Now i get it, Brutalnot is on a timeout after he got super mad and lost his cool so youre using a smurf to keep posting? :joy:

No wonder he hasnt been heard of after he lost it

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