Impossible to climb ladder anymore

With this MM ,MMR its inposible…but…if be with mune new mechanics,rules,strict requiments,new MM,new ranked points…new mode

Please read all mine replys,topics carefuly,if cant understand my worst english langued…then read this guys wich translate properly…:slight_smile:
Im 100% sure would be a lot better and improved the game. If someone had questions… to ask me and we arguing wich other or explain at you more cleary…:slight_smile: Blizzard team must tract or follow ppls wich are high game xp-ed like me ,im over 20 years game xp-ed and play sence fisrt SC1,first Diablo ,from alfa beta WoW(2004 y.) and wich play many different genre games and wich are much smart than rest ppls.