If you could perma-ban 1 character

Abathur. Way too much control over the game for how little he is exposed. There is basically nothing you can do against it unless he’s stupid enough to get caught in lane.


Play his natural enemy and hunt him: Medivh. :joy: And if you manage that he will only sit in base, then you achieved enough and he lose value.

Either Garrosh or Anduin.

Combined they have less personality than Sgt. Hammer.

But Anduin loves Nova… how is that “less personality”?!

Hanzo. If I don’t pick Zeratul that guy just destroys me.

No one hero deserves a permo-ban. In general, if I were a developer, I would arrange voting among the community - whos of the heroes needs a rework in the first place, who needs a complete one, and who needs a rework of some problematic build.

Probius, because I’m a supervillain.

Sargeant Cáncer, she doesn’t require skill and has too much damage.

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To position yourself well with an immobile hero, doesn’t require skill… uff. I feel I get trolled by Lena. :joy:

Medivh, on principle I find his kit provides too much utility while having good damage.

Problem is I suck at Medhiv and I hate playing him anyway so I won’t get any better with him, I used to play stealth heroes against Aba but now you can’t really do it effectively because fort see you before you can get to him.

Then i would have Aba perman banned. A hero that can just sit in spawn were no dmg can harm him and hat his hyper carry to victory and then borrow out and slap core at 2% hp just to show good he were.

Cant wait for him to have his global hat removed and have an actual range insteed to force him go out and do something on the map.


I am dissapointed about you, Frogsaron… even you betrayed me and want the fun heroes gone. #feelsbadman

If he do it, he deserve it! :smiley:

How do you feel about Li-Ming as an opponent? Provided they aren’t Orb Ming but a fairly decent player. I feel Alarak is fairly disadvantaged against her and even with Zeratul it’s all about who lands the first hit. Then again I’m usually on the side of controlling Li-Ming and not in reverse so I’m curious.

Well, to be honest Li-ming has been a bigger issue than Hanzo for me lately but I have been playing Ming to find a counterplay. She is perhaps too strong but orb buils is not really an issue, the real issue is that level 4 talent. I believe she would be balanced eventually unlike that mess that is Hanzo. Ming needs some numbers adjusted but Hanzo needs a rework since those Hanzo mains melt you in 3 seconds from a kilometer away.

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Tracer because I’m just done with it, honorable mention to Genji because they somehow designed a character that makes little people stab my eyes every time I see him in the enemy comp.

But at least he doesn’t have rewind and three blinks. Ugh city, my dudes.

Need either Grounded a’la League or a new status effect that attacks movement, slows aside.

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hes not op hes annoying
hes not fun to play against
hes the reason i uninstalled overwatch despite enjoying it

and if hes ever reworked here and i see him more than half my games im pretty much just gonna go back to league


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Genji or Tracer. If their mobility was somehow very good offensively but bad defensively they would be ok…