Take a break after losing like 3 in a row to play a different mode that doesn’t have points on the line like QM or unranked and come back later it’s how I do it. Playing while tilted just increases your chance of continuing a losing streak and you can just end up right back in a match with the same people you were just with. I’m sure you yourself contributed to a few of these losses by just not having your head in the right place.
I personally have been having a good time lately in HL, for every 4 I play I’m typically winning 3 of them. I even had a LiLi+Malf+Stitches+Falstad+Raynor (me on jimmy) game that people were starting to tilt in draft before we even got in about the guy picking LiLi when we had a support. I didn’t tilt, told them this is still salvageable and although it was touch and go in the early game we dominated late and won it np.
LOL dude diamond is top 5% of playerbase and 50.5% is as u say slightly above average. Even gold is top 35% of playerbase so that winrate is high silver low gold league normally.
You know that something is wrong when you are 6+ time in row the banning player. And you are like “the hell?”
But then you realize and check your match history… and you’re like:
“Aww, I won those 4 games in a row yesterday… time to apply the 50% winrate.”
I just wanted to support you and note that I have encountered the same thing stemming at exactly the same time. Mind you, I’m not losing 95% of my games, but I have gone 7-33 in the last 40 games, including one 10 game loss streak (my longest ever) and one 8 game loss streak. It was incredible. I’ve never seen anything like it, and I can’t explain it. If MM is somehow placing me where I belong – which is usually the narrative with posts like this – it would have been nice to have done so gradually over the last 8 seasons that I have been playing at over 50% win rate. I do not know why it is like this all of a sudden, but I feel your pain and am experiencing a similar issue. My total winrate for this season is 39%, which is incredible and includes a 6 game win streak to start, so that just shows how much I have been losing recently since the patch. I’m going to take a break from this game.
That is a tremendous wall of text sir.
There are a couple of things that I should point out.
Anecdotal evidence can, in fact, be evidence. We don’t have access to hard data from Blizzard because they aren’t transparent with it. It’s also disingenuous to dismiss claims of multiple people because they don’t possess hard data (something out of their reach) so no. You’re utterly and shamelessly wrong. It’s not “feelings”. People provide data, you just ignore it because it doesn’t fit with your views.
Why would they manipulate?
You really don’t know the answer to this?
It’s called money.
(whales and the 80/20 rule)
We have no idea of what this game or others in their library produce. Again, back to hard data we as consumers have no access to.
You clearly have no idea of how the modern corporation works. There are entire floors dedicated to figuring out how to improve quarterly reports.
Let us use Hearthstone or WoW as an example. If you don’t believe that psychologists were brought into the design language of the game then your naive. The colors, sounds, all of it means something.
It’s why there are no clocks in casinos and groceries. Its way cereal companies use specific fonts. There are things going on with damn near ever consumer product that you will never notice yet is intended and has a specific purpose and it applies to EVERYTHING.
Why would they do it? Because if it yields revenue, it would be bad business NOT TO.
Yet there are those that are naive still that would bring up the risk/reward.
No, that’s a dumb rebuttal. Whos gonna tell? The developer who would throw away the degree and the field they work in?
Who would report it? IGN? They get advertising money so no. CNN? The nightly news would laugh.
Blizzard keeps their data under lock and key for a reason.
How does that make them money? You can’t just toss around buzzwords like quarterly reports and whales and have it be some kind of argument. Again, would it not be more economical to use this godlike super-matchmaker to make balanced matches? Every time someone brings this system up, it’s about how it makes them want to quit. That doesn’t sound like the best use of a matchmaker that can perfectly manipulate games.
It’s more likely that frequently players wind up way ahead of their actual skill bracket by getting lucky/carried. Is that a failing of the matching? Yeah, but it’s a failure, not a conspiracy. When the other suggested option is that Blizzard has a mind-reading AI, Occam’s razor rules out.
But you don’t know that it makes them want to quit. We don’t have access to the data.
We do not know. Also, I didn’t imply a conspiracy in my original post. In fact I would agree that it is a failure. With that being said, it doesn’t mean that you or I are right. There IS data that corresponds with others’ data and experiences.
Until we have hard data, which will never happen outside of a lawsuit, its speculation.
Also, occams razor is not a law or scientific standard, its a tool thats more often wrong than most will admit.
TL;DR. We don’t know how it makes money. What we DO know is that money motivation has been the dominant motivator since the beginning of time. Don’t be so dismissive when we all lack data.
TL;DR I have no idea why I think this, but corporations Activsion money evil whales feelings consumers I’m smart wake up sheeple rar rar rar.
You have not argued a single point. You’ve presented nothing but the nebulous idea that “it’s a corporation, therefore money!”. In fact, you kind of argued against this. If it’s by accident, then there is no forced 50% matchmaking. There are no forced losses. It’s because the matchmaker isn’t very good.
I absolutely agree with that possibility however, revenue-based corporations have one goal…sooooo rar rar rar.
I also DID in fact argue the point and presented examples. You just don’t like it.
Did you get that? I’ve said it twice now.
So without hard data what conclusions can we draw? Well, thats really a thought experiment but what we can do is look at history. More specifically, human and corporate history.
What that tells us is that humans are greedy people that are easily pacified AND any and all corporations will do anything to appease shareholders.
If you understand anything about corporate law you will find that they (corps) are bound by law to place the interests of shareholders above that of competing interests.
So, don’t come back and say that its “just feelings”.
Since you seem to lack basic corporate understanding, copy this and put it in youtube.
MurlocAggroB, you are making too much sense and worse of all, you’re using LOGIC! That’s absolutely not allowed in forum posts which have to be based on conspiracies that don’t make any sense at all and if implemented, would counter the purported goal of the conspiracy itself.
If Blizzard’s goal is to make money (not an unreasonable assumption), then wouldn’t making their players happy by offering fair and balanced matches, be the best way to get them to buy stuff? And wouldn’t making players unhappy by deliberately setting “rigged” matches, lower the chances of them making money? How many players who vow to uninstall spend money at the same time?
You, nor I for that matter, know that it makes them quit. In a casino, a tilted player spends more. Why is it different here?
psychology is a thing man. Sorry you don’t understand it.