I want a small buff

Noice! You got a Blue’s autograph :d

As Rag I always take Q build and “Catching fire” to get more “tanky”, sustain and to feel like a pro. He’s fun as! Also just incase you guys didn’t know, don’t press Q and try to AA. Try to AA first then press Q right after the AA and it will set off instantly. It’s basically an instant AA with higher attack and aoe, and a 3rd basic auto-attack will follow immediately after it. The technique is similar to Thrall’s windfury but tricky to pull off, but it’s fun as and satisfying to melt opponent’s HP!

I feel Rag’s in a funny place though. He’s got the makings of a mage, a mix of melee assasin, a hint of bruiser, minimal peels and the remnants of a spec with lava wave. His “fort up” is very unique, powerful yet limiting when it comes to consistent team fights. In the long run, they should focus him being a bruiser and if they want to get rid of the lava ult, maybe replace it as the meteor ball with more damage, longer duration and control, or even a lava tower that gets summoned down and shoots meteor-balls. Maybe give him something unique and make him the first bruiser being immune to blinds, or a talent that makes him immune to blinds for a duration- as long as he isn’t over the top AA OP.

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It works best on a 3 lane maps. You have crazy strong lane clear. You pick a lane, clear it quick with your full combo, rotate to mid to help clear the wave there or maybe get a pick on an enemy hero, rotate back to your lane in time to clear the wave there. Don’t duel anyone in lane until at least level 7 when you get Blistering Attacks.


:clap: :clap: Fort up honey

Q build also clears a wave with full combo though. Rags waveclear is pretty amazing no matter what build you go. Even at level 1 a simple WEQ is good enough.

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That’s true but he was asking how to make E build Rag work and it works a fair bit like Q build, especially early on but it’s somewhat easier since you don’t need to worry about quest stacks on E build. Q build works better, I’m told, against teams with a big front line as it gives the most melee aoe damage of the builds.

Yes, exactly. Q build needs at least 2-3 melees on the enemy team, otherwise you won’t ever get those Q resets.

Whenever you know you won’t be able to get those Q resets, you should probably go E build.

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We all are, it’s always interesting to have hard data rather than Hotslogs or something like that.