I love Anduin's trait!

Your friendly neighborhood Scorpion trait.

I can already see the chat spam after every use.

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Add Medivh with portals into the mix and we have a meme team

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His trait is one of the best trait in heroes of the storm.
It can counter a lot of deadly opponent ability such as cassia valkyrie, butcher chain, anubrak cocoon, garrosh throw, leoric wall, stitches gorge, sylvanas mind control, muradin haymaker, artanis swap, imperious wrath of the angiris, varian taunt, the best against ktz deadly combo, zarya gravition surge.

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i don’t think it will be that useful (comparatively) to be frank, it has a cooldown of 80 seconds, stitches can do the same thing as a part of his baseline kit with a longer range (it being a skillshot and not being able to pass through other units matters obviously but still), garrosh can also do something very similar with one of his talents and also has a short cooldown, maeiv’s portal functions in a similar way but with a much smaller cooldown

You’re just listing things every cleanse can do after a certain point.

But his skill is combination of cleanse and pull so it will be better than normal cleanse. eg. cleanse cannot help you when leoric wall you nor cassia valkyrie you…

The problem is 80 sec cooldown, if they reduce it to 40-60 then it is quite good. Stitches problem is HOTS got so many unit can block his hook. You can’t hook teammate out from cocoon when opponent surround him. You cannot hook your teammate away after he chain by butcher. (Need someone test it). I think anduin pull got wider hitbox that stitches hook hitbox.

Don’t think stitiches can hook someone out from leoric wall. Same as nazeboo wall. Never got chance to tried what happen when ktz chain someone to cube then stitches hook that target away.

You cant cleanse cocooned target either.

Pretty sure there is no need to. Stitches hook doesnt cleanse.

I think he can hook out of Leo but not from Naz wall.

Again, HH doesnt cleanse, so depends.

As far as I remember you cant hook rooted targets as well. Roots in general negate displacement, even allied.

You also listed taunt and cocoon, both of which wouldn’t have any additional benefit from the pull. Neither would mind control as its such a slow walk they’d have plenty of time to move away after a normal cleanse and be fine.

my only issue with it is I see lots of people having no idea how to use it screwing their team. hah.

But, people can do that already other ways. But I cannot wait to see someone pull someone into their death…

it applies unstoppable, which is basically a super cleanse.
To quote Spazzo, who is one of the people who really knows stuff:
" Unstoppable removes silences, taunts, stuns, slows, everything except Stopped. and Stasis, which is Stopped minus the CD freeze"

The distance from Anduin to the healing dummy is it’s range.
(and yes, it does not move the dummy and sticks the wings on–it is a reported bug, but it is also on the lowest tier of importance)

good questions, happy to work with someone on PTR if they want to test!
Join channel testing and gimme a whisper/ping/etc!

The stunned enemies should not move with Imperius based on other displacement effects when he has speared people.

at level 20 you can talent a 2nd charge on it for Andiun. So max 3 pulls with abathur’s clone.

this is why you should find someone to test with!
/join testing
! :slight_smile:

And it’s cooldown is very high to allow for this power.

Also note even better–it ignores terrain/buildings.

it matters a massive amount.

if he is right next to the target–and they are the closest allied unit to him.

medivh’s i imagine.
And this can be interupted by stuns/roots/knockback/displacement/etc.

I think that Anduin’s trait will probably be in an okay spot, with it’s power level and cooldown. Worst case-- we’ll get a reduced cooldown or increase range or some buff on it. But I don’t see it being needed myself.

it doesn’t even have a hitbox, it is not a skillshot, you actively select the target!

unstoppable removes rooted!

It removes taunt.

So it isn’t like you get pulled away and walk back to attempt to attack Varian/Garrosh again.

what. you’re pulling them out of the fire and preventing any other skills from stopping them from escaping.

Most cleanse/unstoppable effects that are targeted externally only last 1 second or so.

Which is not enough time for most heroes to get clear of the enemy team.

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good spell
will be useful with griefers in team

i want try it with gorge stitches xd

Oh, no, enemy team has heavily focused an ally! What an idiot! It’s so stupid to get focused.

If someone want to screw their team, pick stitches better because he got fast cooldown. Garrosh, chromie all can screw teammate if ppl want.
So for those ppl, no point for them to pick 80 sec cooldown to screw teammate while other option are more better.

No no no, you mean pull an allied dva nuke into the enemy team.

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Wait, that actually sounds possible… Anduin + Garrosh = You Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere

If you click on him long enough, Anduin explains that he, also, doesn’t like the name “Leap of Faith.”

I may or may not pull a friendly teammate to me while I’m being chased by the enemy team at least once.

After all, I don’t need to outrun the bear, I just need to be faster than the slowest person :joy::+1:t2:

Well. You could use it to help your Arthas engage?! Haha

Anub’arak with Lightbomb, Rewind, and Lifegrip.

All the stuns.

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