How to abuse the xp changes

There is no point of denying xp by being smart. So lets be dumb :smiley: because logic.

Livin bomb on you. Walk towards your minions who are low health and kill them so the xp globes will be out of their reach.

As a squichy:
Dont do waveclear from a safe distance. Let them walk towards your towers

Are you guys actually intrested in this list? If so I can keep on


If the gate is down, Mighty Gust the enemy wave into your fort so the enemy laner loses exp by being unable to collect the orbs (pretty sure it might not be worth the cooldown…)

Use Telekinesis to push minions under your towers so it’s too dangerous to pick up orbs.

Lane with Morales and keep healing up the minions from a distance.


please keep going.

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He got banned writing this topic… xD

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I do hope you are kidding.

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Unfortunatly no. He can only like comments now

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But how will I get my daily advice? I must know how to meme the new xp globes.

Also how long is the ban?


This is a rhetorical, as to answer it also against the rules. I can’t understand how he could be banned for this thread, it breaks no rules that I’m aware of. I was looking forward to more advice, but oh well it seems!

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The devs dont like having it pointed how to abuse a system that is ill conceived, terribly implemented, has exceptions to the rule, except for 1/2 the roster that needs it and brings nothing but stupid things like this to the game.

I dont know the details.
But it strange, think for mention the word dumb


Do continue.

Im guess im sorry if I upsetted you OP. But ty for the early unbanning

I wanted to expend a big on this list. But my main topic is locked. I guess thats a warning to not expend on this. So sorry but I wont continue this

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I’ve been letting my towers kill minion waves even in the days when tower ammo was limited.

What’s funny is, players have been using the term “soaking” since alpha. Yet I’d say only 10% of the playerbase actually knows what it means, or how this mechanic works. Hell before globes, I’d just afk in a bush near the uncontested lane and soak xp while my minions died.

All this xp change does, is allow players to punish players who don’t understand game mechanics even more than before. Azmodan etc aside, most complaints about xp globes are from people who never understood the soaking mechanic in the first place.

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