How should I play Raynor now?

Is he still a fine hero? I didn’t check him much since the last changes. Seem like some ranged pve guy instead of the old AA. Should I focus on PVE in games a bit like a solo? He seem not that great in teamfights, I can’t kill anything lol.

What is his best ult in your opinion?

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Raynor is still a good all-rounder, especially for how simple and straightforward he is.

He’s a solid pick for PvE maps, but he’s also a reliable choice for more PvP-focused maps as well.
If your comp doesn’t have any/enough dedicated solo-laners, Raynor can flex into that role very easily. He’s got a lot of health for a Ranged Assassin, decent waveclear, excellent single-target poke and sustained damage, great self-peel, and easy and reliable on-demand self-sustain. He can match (or even outmatch) a decent number of Bruisers in the solo-lane if played properly, so don’t be afraid to cover a solo-lane yourself if no one better is.
Just make sure you’re paying attention to your minimap and showing up for objectives and teamfights, and you’ll be fine.

Which ult is better depends on your situation and how much you’re willing to micro your Banshee.
If you need AoE zoning or siege-pressure, Hyperion is the way to go, especially with its level 20 upgrade.
If you need scouting or single-target shred and you’re willing and able to micro your Banshee well, Raiders is one of the strongest ults in the game.


You shouldn’t play him at all, he’s significantly worse, and worse, boring, since his nerf a few weeks ago and other characters like Lunara and Zul’jin are significantlymore fun and powerful. I hope this helped.

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Raynor’s Map Pressure is broken.

Perma Inspire top lane then run bot. Top wave crashes into towers before they can respond. Perma inspire Mercs… people forget to depush/clear mercs it’s crazy. His combo still lops off hp, even without the talents.

oh and You can’t make the mistake to pressure targets that are too far like most players mistakenly do. So you end up hard pressuring the enemy Tank or the overextended player, which is the right thing to do.

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Raynor’s useless and boring, nerfed too much, play someone else.

Raynor is busted, way too much map pressure, deals a ton of damage, easy to play and way too safe.

lol Forums in a nutshell.


These forums (much like the world at large) are pretty much just a cognitive dissonance simulator.


I’m a rex main and I find the banshee quite hard to control cause of the delay it has. Personally unless I’m running it down I’d prefer Hyperion

Personally I have to agree with this but think his PVP side is lacking a bit. Though provided you have the rest of the team as good team fighters, you can top off damage not bahd.

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I do agree his PvP is low performance.

I’m stealing the words out of the video lucifer shared about Offlaning:
“Soaking and PvE interactions done properly, enables you and your team to do more PvP things.”

I believe the reverse is also true. A Gank focused comp, that may lack lane pressure, can lane, push or merc effectively after an effective gank.

So in essence, being able to be strong in PvE can give you a generally pleasant experience in PvP.

Edit: I think this is what I’m looking for.

Thanks lucifer.


Without the “simulated” part lol.

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im just glad they gave back some of his base ad…i made a huge rant about his base ad getting shot to hell in may and im glad they at least gave him back some of it from that crappy 92 base ad back to 98