HOw do we stop smurfs

prepaid sims for a phone cost 3 dollars here in brazil so it’s not that huge of a task, a dedicated troll will pay that just to ruin people’s games

then theres the problem of online phone services that you pay like 5 dollars for and get 5 phone numbers which can be checked online without a phone (and can also receive voice mails or texts from things like google or blizzard)

i liked the idea of a mobile authenticator more, it’s tied to 1 phone hardware, trolls usually wont pay to buy more used phones or new phones just to keep trolling, it gets expensive

No potatoes in team = no need to smurf…

I get what you mean, but this again a failure on blizzards end (what’s new?). If you got an actual team together, you guys climbing together is a reflection of a team and therefore should have an mmr as a group (part of the reason TL sucked.) Why Blizzard hasn’t implemente an actual “guild” system is something I don’t understand considering most of their games benefit from a clan system. You could therefore easily have grandmasters and bronzies together because your ranking would be a reflection of your groups MMR.

However, if you’re friends with top tier player and you’re just an average player, you should not be allowed to group up with your friend(s). QM and Unranked exist if you wish to do so. Boosting is just wrong. It has the potential of ruining too many games. Just like I wouldn’t want Dr.Logan/Sadius in my ranked games on the opposite team, I doubt Dr.Logan/Sadius would want me their ranked games on his team. The skill difference is too large.

There are a ton of solutions out there, but Blizzard is consistent when it comes on following the dumbest path possible. Does your idea have merit? Perhaps, but evidence shows their more likely to do the opposite of exactly that. QM seeding anyone? At no points ever was QM seeding ever a good idea. And how long did it take them to remove it from the game?

What about the smurfs who only smurf for the sake of boosting casue his main account is hardstuck in low ranks.

I have seen tons of those. Hard stuck silver in old HL and then suddenly master when SL was added.

I dont mind 1 smurf but to face a group of 3 low gold players with high diamonds is just dumb.

This requires a special report feature and group detection. Just reset the MMR of the person being boosted

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Dota 2 already gives you the option for that. You can now report smurfs and smurfs who are used to boost gets banned.

I get four potatoes that suicided into a boss in an otherwise won match: -200 points that would be +200 if I had four smurf or normal players. But yes, the problem is smurfing and not potatoeing…

This is fine with me, I already have my phone linked/authentication for my account. It would mean less smurfs, but I’m not sure it even matters at this point in HOTS lifecycle. It would probably just result in fewer people playing. I know, probably people who avoid punishments, but not all. There are many high level players here who say they have smurf accounts to play with lower ranked friends or to get faster queue times.

This is true. I imagine if they did this the total number of “unique” accounts for HOTS would drop dramatically. I’m not convinced Blizzard actually wants this as so many changes like lowering account level/hero level and heroes owned for ranked has encouraged smurfing.

Again, I must point out it’s not agasint the rules to have a smurf account.


You can’t, games like HotS, SC, Warcraft, really an game that has a type of league level that is F2P will have smurfs. it is unfair but it will happen. There is no easy fix, there is not even a hard fix. Unfortunately you will play in games where there is a smurf. (Sometimes that smurf is on your side)

For all you thinking of becoming a Smurf just: