How can a group of melee vs ranged?

That’s you dude. I have a screenshot of waiting more than 10 hours without getting a match. Welcome to Australia where QM is the only option (Except peak hours you get up to 10 minute queues).

Since going back to night shift at work and not being able to play ranked during peak hours, (There is no unranked here) I definitely feel the pain of clown fiesta QM and have to deal with it. Sometimes it can be quite fun trying change talent builds specifically for the weird comps and when it comes off it’s great.

Just because it works for you doesn’t mean it does for everyone else. Personally if I had the choice I would prefer draft mode 100% but even if there was no queues sometimes I would still play QM just so I can learn and/or have the hero I want without having to fill.

Well we can’t have everything :smiley: In my country there isn’t even a beach/sea…
maybe gaming isn’t that popular in Australia…