HOTS Smurf Syndrome

It feels like you’re punished for advancing in that you’ll stop being able to play with friends who may fall behind.

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Yeah. Thats why nobody gets their decision

This guy gets brought up every time, lol.

People wouldn’t be smurfing if Blizzard didn’t massively ban accounts. Report system is cancer and smurfs are the result of that.

So were you cleanmegan before?

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Solo queue was considered the only valid game mode and team league was considered a joke trash mode. Even pro players refused to play team league because stack/smurf abuse made it worthless and only practiced in solo queue.

You can see what happened when the Blizzard allowed team league to contaminate ranked. Smurfing and stack abuse run rampant.

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Sad part is majority of players prefer more than solo/duo ranked


nice speech, blah blah, but what about solo q players

The worst part is that smurfs are just frustrated players that can’t win on their own rank and just wanna get free games on lower leagues by unbalancing solo q lobbies, and they even feel like god tier players while they’re winning. Jesus christ.
The “just wanna play with my friends” i heared tons of times already.

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and literally an smurf told me that he got banned for abusing and then he got to create another smurf, so it’s worth to report them

Players report others for anything these days even for saying “GG” (everything can be “abusive chat” now, even pings) --> more and more people are suspended by Blizzard quicker than ever before --> People create new accounts and smurf.

That’s basically the story short.

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The most common smurf story I hear is that they wanna play with friends who are lower rank. The supposition that they’re punching below their class seems to be a convenient excuse, but not one I appear to see a lot.