HotS Replay Thread

The title is 100% relevant to the game.

Also D4 promoting to D3, I am literally bouncing back and forth in this area right now I hate it.

Sorry, you canā€™t control stupidity of Diamond players.

I carried the game I swear!!! Itā€™s not The Rubyā„¢.

Gust value :]

:clap: SYLVANAS :clap: POPPING :clap: OFF :clap:

Oh my god, my blood is boiling, wild games.

can we nerf her please, this is not a joke.

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Two Medivh games (first lose, second win), where I felt I canā€™t afford the selfishness which is required to complete Mā€™sT.
(Also getting Aba as Medivh is like my fav thing because it literally a bird eating a worm, lol.)

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Cassia on Hanamura; a cool hero ā€“ even when needing some buffs ā€“ on a great map.

I will spoil the result, we lost, because the result doesnĀ“t really matter here. Awesome games like this are why i love HotS, plain and simple. Also for the full experience have some Of Monsters and Men songs play in the background (very especially Dirty Paws).

I also saved a good bunch of replays posted here already and gonna do a marathon tomorrow, yay :slight_smile:

IĀ“m using this one to reply as that great forum rule disallows following my posts with another of my post :angry:

I hope iĀ“m replying to the right one, as i got me quite a bunch at once: While tunneling quite hard, seeing that Valeera hunted down time and time again was very satisfying to watch.

I should probably start playing him outside of Brawls again, he got remarkable tanking qualities with Q-build it seems.

HavenĀ“t seen that yet, but i defnitely will. I love me some good QM teamwork.

Sorry for not replying to everything, i watched like 15 of these and have troubled assigning every reply to their itĀ“s respective post. On a general note iĀ“m happy to see so many Orphea replays :slight_smile:


In my case the Orphea was in the opposite Team and they lost quite hard against usā€¦ :sweat_smile: I got MVP playing Nova

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I have very ambivalent feelings about that statement, but good teamwork is good teamwork ā€¦ even with a Nova in it :stuck_out_tongue:

When I got you curious, my work is done :laughing:

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Heā€™s a really great Hero and outside of Brawls you can use Lava Wave :smirk:

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Yes indeed, i almost forgot how fun that heroic is. IĀ“ll add him to my current pool of random heroes for QM asap.

Oh god this AI.

I played badly in the earlygame, and in the lategame, our main dmg went afkā€¦
Still won, lol.
(Alsoā€¦ nerf that freakin movespeed that Aba has!..)

Edit: played one more to get Medivh to lvl 59 (69 when? Will I stop playing him? (No I wonā€™t.))
At first I was likeā€¦ fml, kill me pls:

But thenā€¦:

Felt good :smiley:
(420 for life, lol)

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I think this teamfight was the deciding factor:

Some ppl think that Poly upgrade is bad, because the duration is shorter. But thatā€™s actually part of the buff. It becomes an aoe lockdown from a singletarget CC.


Yes that upgrade is amazing. It essentially disables any close-standing team instantly and forces them to spread out, purely by walking; and that is if they can spread at all.

Hey, I bullied Murky with Lunara, watch me dive fort deep just to get an egg, OMEGALUL.

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I went Meteor build so far in my games with Rag because there were only ranged heroes in each, but Lava Wave is silly fun; no idea how i could forget about that.

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I use E build against Ranged Heroes.

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I tried E-build, but itĀ“s just not mine; Hammer and Meteor work great for me though.

So far 4 out of 5 wins for Rag today, freaky high exp and even two times got the enemy Aba in the last game with Wave. The guy is going to stay a go-to hero for my QM games for a while at least :slight_smile:

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