HotS Replay Thread

gotta take that boss without my tank haha pepega

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The ETC was finishing the shrine. They probably thought they could finish the boss before my whole team came back, especially with Zuljin. It was a 4 v 2 and with force wall it was nearly impossible for us to contest.

The force wall was late though, and iirc Zuljin took a while to come to the boss.

Nova :blue_heart:

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They thought I was FanHoTS at the end lol


What a game :open_mouth:

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(My Wish and My Idea - #28)
(Spellbreaker, Guardian of Qual'thalas//My wish and My Idea - #23 by Javadpashe-2702)

need this skin for Li ming, John miller

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Some games I had (more) fun in (than usual):

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Good thing there is a long weekend up ahead where i may finally make good on my promise to actually watch and comment on at least a good part on these replays :slight_smile:

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Add this to it:

It’s a quick stomp in QM on TotSQ as Medivh :smiley:

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(Sometimes I wonder I might post too much here :thinking:)


I totally whiffed that Shield Glare. I am such a terrible person. >.<

We still showed her that she should respect the elderly!


NA SL with Hoku and the others:


(Sidenote: I’m “Gold” on NA, so it’s actually pretty unfair for the enemies, but I can’t help it, it’s still my main (and only) acc.)

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whatever happened this game i hate it and glad it’s over. don’t watch if you don’t wanna hurt your eyes… time to add it to the salt mines too cause i’m salty over it -_-

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Playing Ana on expert difficulty.

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hahaha it feels like that :joy:

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Did that penalized you with a leaver btw?

no it actually counted as a win not a loss. which was surprisingly good as i wasn’t “perma” away from the game. but if i left that game and tried to rejoin that would be leaver penalty cause rejoining the game would take 10 mins or so


Don’t you just love it when something occurs on this very specific tick that has the chance of happening being so critically low, that the whole thing breaks afterwards and causes this?